A Tooth For A Tooth

Sitting on the bed inside the hospital ward, Sophia felt emptiness in her heart. She was still unsure if there indeed was a scar on Alexander's chest.

Amidst the recent events, one nagging thought never left her mind. Sophia believed that Alexander might actually be Liam.

Otherwise, how could all these coincidences be explained? Something wasn't right.

She had presumed that Alexander and Liam were one and the same. But since the two men appeared simultaneously on a previous occasion, her suspicion didn't seem possible.

However, there were still too many coincidences between them. They also had the same scar. In Sophia's mind, such details were hard to ignore.

Deeply lost in thought, Sophia's eyes wandered the room until she spotted a shiny black object on the sofa.

As she leaned forward to get a better view, a look of recognition suddenly flashed across Sophia's face. It was Alexander's phone!