Who Is William?

"Don't be so anxious, Mrs. Anderson. Please sit down and we'll talk about it."

Unable to bear the smell of alcohol coming from Amelia, Bailey moved away in such a way that Amelia didn't notice it.

"How could I be calm in such a situation? Sophia made me lose everything that I had, and she made me look like a fool in public. She even tried to take my husband away from me. She won't succeed, and as long as I'm alive I won't let her!"

Amelia's sudden outburst drew the attention of most people in the cafe.

"Calm down, Mrs. Anderson. Here, have some water first."

Saying that, Bailey quickly handed a glass of water to her. Even though she was pretending to be gentle towards her on the surface, she actually detested her in her heart.

After all, in her opinion, it was really ridiculous to go so far for a man.

Hence, though Bailey seemed to sympathize with her, she was actually complaining in her heart.