The Real Mistress

After driving Sophia to the cafe, Taylor returned to the shooting site. Her mind wandered the entire trip.

She was still thinking about Sophia.

Taylor believed that April was behind everything that just happened.

Noticing that Taylor was staring into space, Taylor's assistant knew that she was thinking about meddling in other people's business again.

He sincerely advised, "You don't have to worry about Sophia. Let her deal with her problems herself. Don't you know that your involvement in her mess is already the Internet's top search? You might not succeed in helping her, and you're going to get yourself in trouble. It's not good for your reputation."

Unfortunately, Taylor didn't want to listen to Taylor's assistant.

"Enough, I know the potential consequences, but I will still stand up for Sophia because she's my friend."

Sophia was more than just an acquaintance to Taylor at this point.