Finally Uncovered The Truth

"It is a no-brainer thing to say that kidnapping is illegal. However, isn't it also against the law to coerce someone into getting married?" Alexander said with conviction, trying to conceal the raging storm that was building up in his chest.

"Alexander! What are you doing here? I was told you're on a business trip abroad. When did you return?" Sophia successively asked in surprise.

She wasn't expecting to see Alexander at all.

However, if there was anyone who had been utterly shocked by Alexander's unannounced arrival, it would undoubtedly be Amelia. Her eyes grew bigger, her fist clenched. Alexander's presence completed the puzzle in her mind.

"I've been racking my brain for an answer, but it turns out to be you. Alexander, you kidnapped my daughter, didn't you?" she asked, chuckling sarcastically.

It hadn't even crossed Amelia's mind that Alexander would go to such lengths for the sake of Sophia.