Is Andrew The Father Of Your Children?

Taylor put her knife and fork down. "I just… I just wanted to teach that old pervert a lesson. I didn't really want to have a meal with him in private."

Even if the entire world misunderstood her, Joe couldn't.

Taylor didn't want him to misunderstand that she was a woman who wouldn't hesitate to sell herself for fame and fortune.

"You don't have to explain. I could see it. It was pretty obvious. I know you wanted to avenge Sophia, by deliberately fooling Willam."

It was precisely why Joe was confused.

If Taylor was still the same as she was five years ago, and wasn't influenced by fame and fortune, why did she dump him?

She had betrayed him for five million dollars.

Which one is her true color? Joe wondered.

But Taylor's true nature had nothing to do with him.

Everything had ended between them when she chose to dump him and disappear with the five million dollars.

The mere thought infuriated Joe.