He Controls Everything

"I make you want to puke?!"

Alexander had never felt so humiliated in his life.

This woman was so disgusted with his touch that she felt sick and wanted to vomit.

But when he saw how badly Sophia threw up, he didn't care about his image anymore.

Alexander leaned over and gently patted the woman on the back, trying to make her feel better.

Sophia's stomach was churning, and she vomited profusely for quite some time before feeling better.

She turned around to face Alexander's dark face. She wanted to laugh.

"I didn't vomit because of you." Sophia's face was pale but red. "It has nothing to do with your touch. It's just that my stomach has been bothering me these days."

"Bothering you? Why?"

Alexander felt a little better after hearing her explanation.

Sophia became enraged at the mention of her stomachache.