Not To Touch Her Things

Sophia knew that it would be difficult for Ace to do it, so she took out her cell phone and called Alexander.

Alexander was in his office, talking about business with Bailey.

When he saw that the call was from Sophia, he stood up and took his phone over to the window to answer it.

"Hello. What's going on?"

Alexander sounded exhausted.

"Alexander, Cora just told me that you imprisoned Molly. Can you let her go?" Sophia said bluntly.

Alexander's eyes narrowed and a rueful smile appeared on his face.

Sophia always managed to irritate him with her worries about unimportant people.

"Do you think I'm stupid? Do you think that I'll release her just so that she can run to Andrew and tell him everything? Have I been too lenient with you, Sophia? Do you really think it's wise to try to bargain with me now?"

If she didn't pacify him right away, Alexander was likely to fly into a rage.

Sophia decided to change her demand.