Bailey Uncle

"No, thanks." Alexander waved his hand in dismissal. "She is very stupid. It would be pointless to teach her. Besides, I don't want to bother you, Mr. Kelvin."

"Well, it will be my honor to teach Miss Miller if she is willing to be my student."

Kelvin wore a slightly devious smile.

This was the plan he had previously discussed with Bailey. Once he got their approval, he would quickly move into action.

It didn't matter what methods Kelvin used. One goal was clearly embedded in his mind. By whatever means necessary, he was to find a way to separate Sophia from Alexander.

Upon hearing Kelvin's insistence, Alexander's eyes narrowed slightly. He stood silently in front of Sophia, still unconvinced.

"I know for a fact that Miss Miller is a great designer. How could she be stupid? Alexander, tell me what is really bothering you. Don't you trust me?"