Discovered Facade

Cora was finally satisfied. She pinched Alexa's face and said, "Good girl."

Then she turned to Axel and said matter-of-factly, "Axel, now you."

He felt embarrassed and asked, "Cora, why did you have to lie?"

What an innocent little boy he was.

Cora sighed and explained, "Axel, you know, there are two kinds of lies in this world. There are lies that are bad, but there are also lies called white lies. Although I'm about to lie, it will help solve a huge problem as well as protect someone else from getting hurt. That is what we call a white lie. Do you understand?"

Axel nodded, although he hadn't fully grasped the concept yet.

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand it now. You will understand when you grow up," Cora said as she patted his head gently.

"Mommy, Mommy, can I order fried chicken later?"

The atmosphere changed as Alexa called out in a sweet voice.