
Soon, Alexander and Bailey arrived at the hospital. Inside Robert's ward, Nancy was taking care of him.

Nancy looked at Robert. Seeing his weak appearance, she couldn't help asking, "What happened yesterday? Why did you get so excited that you had a heart attack."

Her words reminded Robert of the twins yesterday, especially the little girl.

But he knew that once he told Nancy, he would probably make her sad. So he chose to remain silent.

Nancy was about to ask again when Alexander walked in with Bailey.

"Mrs. Carter, I heard that Mr. Carter is sick, so I came to see him."

As usual, Bailey flattered them openly.

But unfortunately, Nancy didn't buy it. She looked behind Bailey and found that Sophia wasn't there. She felt very disappointed.

But she still expressed her gratitude to Bailey. "Miss Bailey, thank you. I heard from Alexander that you asked the doctor who performed the surgery on Robert to check on him."