Robert Visits Sophia House 1

Sophia gave Lucia a reassuring look and decisively pushed the two packages away.

Then she turned to Lily and asked, "Excuse me, how old are you? Why do you need someone to send packages for you? Can't you do it yourself?"

Lily was so annoyed at Sophia's intervention.

She knew she couldn't order Sophia to do things for her. But couldn't she order an intern?

"Sophia, what are you so anxious about? Did I tell you to do it?"

But Sophia remained firm. She said, "As I've said, Lucia is a designer, not your sidekick. So send your packages yourself."

"Sophia!" Lily snapped through clenched teeth. "Are you deliberately going against me?" Her face flushed with anger.

"Yes, I am a busybody today."

Then Sophia glared at Lily, indicating that Lily should leave now.

Lily was too angry to say a word. She had no choice but to take back the two packages and leave angrily.