At The Kindergarten

The three children sat in the car with Robert. The luxurious motorcade set off again, heading for the kindergarten in a mighty manner.

As this tremendous motorcade drove on the road, the other cars all take evasive action, pushing Ivy's Grandma's car behind them.

The driver suddenly stepped on the brakes, making Ivy's Grandma lean forward with Ivy. The child had her seat belt fastened, so it was not a big deal for her.

Ivy's Grandma, on the other hand, did not fasten her seat belt, so she directly hit the back of the front seat.

"Ahhh!" Ivy screamed in fright.

Ivy's Grandma covered her swollen forehead and cursed, "What the hell are you doing? Are you really a driver?"

The driver hurriedly turned his head and explained, "Mrs. Anderson, it's not my fault. The cars ahead forced me to suddenly brake."

"What did you say?" Ivy's Grandma looked out of the window angrily. "I want to see who is bold enough to block my car."