Press Conference 2

Looking embarrassed, Ace said seriously to Alexander, "Boss, this matter may be a bit complicated. The chairman's assistant taught me everything I know today, so I may not be able to…"

"How about a pay raise?" Alexander said calmly.

Upon hearing that his boss was ready to give him a raise, Ace's eyes lit up.

He was so excited that he almost agreed.

However, he managed to control himself. In fact, Ace saw this as an opportunity for a serious salary raise.

"Boss, it's not about money. Aleck is really awesome," Ace said again.

"Really?" Alexander said leisurely, raising a brow. Of course he could clearly see what was on Ace's mind. "Forget it. I'll deal with it myself. I just have to stall my grandpa. It shouldn't be difficult. I will even save myself some money."

"No way!" Ace immediately refused.

Alexander suppressed a smile and said seriously, "What's wrong? Didn't you say that you couldn't do it?"