Grand Finale Of A Funny Play

Under the bewildered gaze of the crowd, Bailey fainted and fallen off the stage. Everyone was shocked, wondering what had happened.

It was so unexpected that the journalists even forgot to film. Even those on stage were stunned.

Someone accidentally opened the champagne, and the loud noise rang out like a gunshot through the very quiet room. Champagne was sprayed around the room, followed by colorful ribbons flying everywhere. It looked like the grand finale of a funny play.

It wasn't until a shrill scream rang out that the festive atmosphere in the room was broken.

"Help! Someone tried to murder Miss Bailey!"

Looking genuinely scared, Lily screamed with all her might, pointing at Bailey, who was still lying unconscious on the floor.

At this moment, the crowd burst into a roar.

"It's Miss Bailey! What happened to her?"

"Murder? Hurry up and shoot!"

"That's some huge news! It will be on the headlines tomorrow!"