Smith Past With Victoria

As was requested by Sophia, she was taken away by Smith in front of everyone in the Carter Group.

Lucia was among those who witnessed the event. She was saddened by it since she saw Sophia as a friend. There was no chance Lucia would stand and watch her get taken away.

She decided to follow Sophia and leave with her.

"Wait! Take me with Sophia!"

Lucia pushed herself into Smith's car.

"Who are you? Why did you follow us?"

Smith had only seen Lucia a few times when she was a child, so he didn't recognize her. Naturally, he was not nice to her.

"I'm Miss Miller's assistant. I'm requesting to go with her," Lucia explained in a hurry.

"I don't care who you are! Get out of the car right this second!"

Smith frowned upon her impertinence and was about to order someone to escort her out of the car.