Ruined Date

Alexander was also annoyed by those female ghosts. He was about to drive them away when he saw Sophia rushing over angrily and standing in front of him to block them.

It was dim in the room, but he couldn't see her expression clearly. But based on her reaction, was she jealous?

Alexander was suddenly in a good mood. He just let Sophia stand in front of him like a kitten protecting her food.

In this way, under her "protection", those female ghosts ended up leaving awkwardly.

At this time, he couldn't help laughing. "Your way of exorcising ghosts is quite brilliant."

It was only then that Sophia realized that she cared so much when other women approached Alexander. She was a little embarrassed, hesitating and not knowing what to say.

Suddenly, she caught a glimpse of a little girl's blurry back flashing in front of her.

That back was so familiar.

The more Sophia thought about it, the more she felt that the little girl was Alexa.