Left Him

"Smith! You still have time to be idle in your office now? Do you even know what is happening outside?"

Robert heard about the news. Seeing that the Carter Group was in a mess now, he was even more dissatisfied with Smith.

Bailey quickly stood up and spoke for Smith. "Mr. Carter, please don't be angry…"

However, Robert interrupted her, "Miss Bailey, don't talk yet. I want to listen to what Lucia will say first."

He then waved his hand, and Lucia walked out from behind him.

Bailey's eyes opened wide in shock and she wondered what Lucia was doing there. She had already fired Lucia, right?

Lucia stood beside Robert and began complaining, "I just mentioned Alexander in the meeting today, and Miss Bailey fired me. Mr. Smith Carter said that Alexander would never come back again."

Bailey was even more surprised when she heard Lucia call Alexander by his first name only.