Why Are you Hiding?

After Sophia made that promise, she couldn't help but feel worried.

"They kids just transferred to a new school. Wouldn't it be too much procedures to have them drop out of this school and go back to their old school?" Sophia asked worriedly.

Cora smiled calmly and patted her chest. "Don't worry. I've already taken care of it for you. You just have to take them back to the old school," she said confidently.

"You've taken care of it? What do you mean?" Sophia asked confusedly.

"Well, the kids aren't registered in this school yet, so it won't be a problem for them to go back to their old school." With a smug smile on her face, Cora added, "Actually, I was worried that you might change your mind again, so I just signed them up for trial classes that they could quit at any time. Plus, those classed are cheap."

Sophia didn't expect Cora to be so careful. She exclaimed with joy and surprise, "Well done! You made us save a lot of troubles and money!"