Her Mother's Warning

The next morning, Sophia awoke comfortably. She felt rejuvenated when she got out of bed and was in a good mood for the entire morning.

As they watched Sophia cheerfully go about her morning, Cora and the twins shared a meaningful glance. The three of them knew that she had secretly gone out last night, but they didn't dare to say this out loud.

After her night out, Sophia was full of energy. She even shocked Cora when she made a large breakfast that filled the whole table.

Had she made such a substantial breakfast to help they put on weight?

"Sophia, what's going on with you today? Was it necessary to prepare such an elaborate breakfast?"

Sophia sheepishly looked at the table and gave a dry cough with embarrassment. She was so caught up in her happiness this morning that she had cooked too much without noticing.