Taking Out Trash

Alexander was already standing outside the door of Sophia's house when he received her call. He knocked first before answering it and telling her to open the door.

When Axel and Alexa heard the knock on the door, they both turned their heads and looked at Sophia.

Then Alexa asked excitedly, "Mommy, is that our new neighbor outside?"

Sophia couldn't think of an excuse anymore. Alexander was already standing outside their door, so she had no choice but to open it.

She stood up to go to the door with Alexa and Axel behind her.

Then the three of them saw Alexander standing outside leisurely. The two children were obviously surprised.

Alexa was the first to react. She asked, "Mr. Carter, why are you here?"

On the other hand, Axel immediately frowned without saying anything.

Alexander smiled faintly, looked at Alexa, and answered her question, "I'm your new neighbor. From now on, we will be often seeing each other."