Related To The White Family

"Grandpa, why did Sophia suddenly leave? Did you do something to her?"

Although Alexander already had an answer in his heart, he still asked this question.

Robert didn't admit or deny it. But with a sullen face, he threatened, "It seems that you still haven't learned your lesson last time. Isn't it enough to experience losing the power in your hands? I can actually give everything to Smith. Are you really forcing me to do it?"

Because of Robert's words, Alexander was also provoked. "If you want to do it, give it a try. I actually don't mind. Don't forget that the power my uncle has been dreaming of is still in my hands."

As Alexander spoke, he defiantly touched the necklace on his neck.

This necklace was lost but was found again. It represented the supreme power of the Mason family. And this was also giving him the confidence to fight back against Robert. Because even if he lost the Carter Group, he had other choices.