Knows The Truth 2

Cora broke out in a cold sweat.

Alexander's question wasn't an easy one to answer. Once she failed to give him a reasonable answer, her friend would be in trouble.

Cora racked her brain for an explanation that would satisfy his curiosity.

"Mr. Carter, I'm aware Sophia withheld the truth from you. I believe she had her reasons for doing so. However, I also know it brings her great joy whenever you visit Alexa and Axel. She never prevented you from seeing them."

Alexander listened with a blank expression on his face.

Cora couldn't tell what Alexander was thinking at that moment. She squirmed in her seat on the sofa.

Inside the bedroom, Alexa struggled to fall asleep. She had nightmares about Sophia all night.

She seemed to have sensed something was wrong and woke up sobbing.

"Mommy! Mommy!" Alexa wailed as she ran out of the room.

"Cora! Please find Mommy!"