Andrew Past 1

"Miss Miller, your face! There's nothing wrong with your face. It's perfectly fine!" Leilani exclaimed with shock written all over her face.

Sophia's face was still very beautiful. But since she had not been exposed to sunlight for a long time, it looked a little pale.

Alexander secretly breathed a sigh of relief. This was exactly what he had expected.

"What? My face is fine?"

Sophia was still in disbelief. She couldn't help reaching out and touching her face. The skin she touched was very smooth. There was no single scar. She rubbed it again and again, but she did not feel any pain.

Indeed, her face was totally fine.

Andrew lied to her again.

Now that she knew the truth, Sophia was furious.

"Andrew is a lunatic! How can he let me undergo surgery when my face is perfectly fine? What the hell is he trying to do?"

"I think I know the reason," Alexander said. He took out a photo from his pocket and handed it to Sophia.