Her Mental Health

When she heard what the two children said, Sophia was embarrassed.

"Fine, I can go. Would that make you happy?

Even though she agreed to go to the hospital, she still didn't want to.

Once she went out, no one would know if she went to the hospital or not.

Unfortunately, she failed to factor in Alexander.

When she got into the car but refused to go to the hospital, an idea came to Alexander.

"Right now, you have two options. For the first option, you must go to the hospital with me. Your second option is to tell me why you lied and told me Andrew was the father of the children. It's up to you to decide."

Sophia was unprepared for that scenario. She was at a loss for words.

Damn it! How did he find out?

Her mind raced with all the possible things she could say to answer his question, but no matter what she came up with, it sounded like an excuse.

In the end, she decided not to give him an answer.