Finally Patch Up

After apologizing to Kyra, Joe finally asked the question that was bothering him, "Mrs. Fischer, when did you get sick? Was it before my car accident, or after? And why didn't Taylor tell me?"

Questions were raining on Kyra and Taylor.

And Taylor became anxious before Kyra could even say anything.

"Joe, why are you asking all this now? It was ages ago, and there is no need for you to know about it now!"

Since Taylor was being so obvious, how could he not figure out the problem?

In a low voice, he said, "Taylor, you've been lying to me all along. Are you going to continue lying in front of your mom? Just like what she said, the way you're handling this is not the way to treat someone you once loved."

Taylor was stunned and speechless for a moment.

Looking into Joe's eyes which were tinted with sadness, Taylor was depressed.