Only One Who Can Cure Her 2

There was a tone of panic in Sophia's voice. "What do you mean? Tell me now! Why did you say that no doctor could cure Sophia?"

The nurse glanced at Sophia and said slowly, "Miss Miller, can you still remember the medicine you took in the sanitarium?"

What medicine?

Sophia's eyes grew wide with shock after she heard the nurse's question. She could still recall the days when the doctor had administered some strange pills to her and lied that they were painkillers.

She closed her eyes and muttered, "There was something wrong with that medication…"

The nurse nodded complacently.

"It's a newly developed drug. Only Mr. Brown has the antidote. You just need to take the antidote twice a day, morning and tonight, and you'll be fine. But since you have insisted on leaving Mr. Brown's care, then no antidote will be administered to you again."

Now Sophia understood.

A bitter smile appeared on her face.