The Fued Between Carter And the White Family 2

Smith's eyes remained fixed on Aleck even as Sophia and Nancy left to prepare lunch.

He grabbed Aleck and dragged him to the bathroom door when there were not a lot of eyes around, trying to intimidate him into confessing.

But unknowing to him, Alexander had seen him take Aleck away.

Alexander followed them as soon as he saw.

Now, he stood before Smith. His voice low and cold, as he said, "Let him go, Smith."

"So it was you! You were the one who changed the information in Sophia's file." Pure hatred was plastered all over Smith's face.

"And so what?" Alexander didn't feel an ounce of guilt.

"I will tell your grandfather Sophia's mother was a White. He would be so furious. Just wait and see."

Smith's smile was vicious as though he was already watching Robert get angry and force Alexander to break up with Sophia.

Alexander eyed Smith coldly, as if he was a joke.