Getting Married

The man was Smith.He was pushing a wheelchair on which was an old man tightly wrapped in blankets so that no one could clearly see his face.

The security guard eyed Smith warily and carefully checked the invitation card he showed.

Even though the invitation was genuine, the security guard couldn't help but be vigilant.

As the security guard hesitated to let the two men in, Smith suddenly spoke.He faked a cough, and then glared at the security guard.

"I gave you the invitation card.Why don't you let us in? Can't you see that my father is sick and can't stay too long in the wind! Are you ready to take responsibility if anything happens to my father?"

The security guard broke into a cold sweat.He looked again at the old man sitting sickly on the wheelchair.

Although he still hesitated, he knew he had no other choice and let them in.

"I'm sorry, sir.You can go in," the security guard said politely.