Her Enemy is Dead

Sophia got up very early the next day.She opened her sleepy eyes and looked around.

Alexander was already up and dressed, standing by the bed.

Today he wore a pure black suit and looked serious.

"you're awake! Go get dressed.I'll take you back to Carter family today," Alexander said seriously as soon as Sophia opened her eyes.

The atmosphere was a little heavy.

Sophia quietly stood up and quickly put on her clothes.

When she was done, Alexander took her to the Carter family as he said.

The moment Sophia entered the Carter family house, she felt the place was familiar.She couldn't tell why she felt this way, but she was almost certain she had stayed here before.

Although she had lost her memory, those feelings were still there.She felt a mixture of bitterness and sweetness.

At this moment, Sophia couldn't help thinking of what Cora had told her.