Her Apology

Sophia felt embarrassed.She looked at Alexander and asked hesitantly, "Alexander, is there anything we haven't done?"

Alexander looked puzzled.

"What do you mean?"

Sophia's cheeks flushed as she struggled to find the right words.She cleared her throat and said, "I mean...Have we really had good sex before?"

Alexander was taken aback.He stared at Sophia's delicate face and swallowed hard.

"Why did you ask that?"

Sophia bit her lip and her face grew redder.

"Well, I remembered something when we made love yesterday and..."

She didn't need to speak further.

Alexander's eyes darkened and he was consumed with desire.He pulled Sophia close, raising her chin and kissing her roughly.

The air was filled with so much tension for a moment.

Alexander finally released Sophia when she got out of breath.He rubbed her red lips and looked deep into her eyes.His eyes were filled with unbridled lust.