Chapter 12: Mr B?

Just when it seemed that the tide of battle could turn in my favor, a bizarre and unexpected interruption occurred. Out of nowhere, a familiar figure leaped into the arena—a lanky man with a distinctive mop of unruly hair and a face known to millions around the world.

It was none other than Mr. Bean.

His sudden appearance was as bewildering as it was surprising. With a few comical, stumbling steps, Mr. Bean managed to land right in front of me, his trademark wide-eyed expression unchanged.

"Hello there!" he exclaimed in his characteristic mumble, as if he had just dropped in for a casual visit.

I couldn't believe my eyes. Why on earth was Mr. Bean, of all people, here in the Musk-Verse arena? And what could he possibly want from me in the midst of this intense battle?

With a series of exaggerated gestures and pantomimes, Mr. Bean managed to convey his message. He pointed to me and then to himself, emphasizing the importance of our interaction. It was clear he needed something from me, but the specifics remained a mystery.

As Tetsumi Nagi watched the bizarre spectacle unfold, his confusion mirrored my own. Mr. Bean's antics had momentarily distracted both of us from the battle at hand.

I exchanged a bewildered glance with Mr. Bean, my mind racing to make sense of the situation. What could Mr. Bean possibly need from me in the midst of this digital duel? And why had he chosen this particular moment to intervene?

Before I could piece together the puzzle, Mr. Bean's antics took a surprising turn. He produced a digital device from the depths of his coat—a device that seemed to have the power to manipulate the Musk-Verse's digital landscape.

With a few quick and eccentric movements, Mr. Bean altered the terrain of the arena, creating a diversion that allowed me to slip away from Tetsumi's relentless assault.

As I retreated to a safer distance, Mr. Bean gestured for me to follow him. His intentions were still shrouded in mystery, but one thing was clear—he needed me for something, something of great importance.

As I followed Mr. Bean through the ever-shifting digital landscape of the Musk-Verse, my mind buzzed with questions. Why had he intervened in my battle with Tetsumi Nagi? What did he need from me, and why now, in the midst of our online prison's challenges?

Mr. Bean led me through a maze of surreal digital corridors, his peculiar antics guiding our path. His motions were a blend of absurdity and intention, as if he had a purpose hidden beneath his comedic exterior.

Finally, we came to a pause in a digital chamber that pulsed with an otherworldly energy. Mr. Bean turned to face me, his wide-eyed expression revealing an underlying seriousness that was incongruous with his usual antics.

With a series of exaggerated gestures, Mr. Bean began to communicate his message. He pointed to himself and then to me, emphasizing our connection in this digital realm. It was clear that he needed something from me, but the nature of his request remained a mystery.

As I watched Mr. Bean's animated pantomimes, a sense of urgency filled the air. Whatever he needed, it was of utmost importance, and the weight of his request hung heavily in the digital chamber.

Then, with a subtle shift in his expression, he conveyed a revelation that sent a shiver down my virtual spine. Through a series of cryptic movements, he conveyed the message that he was not who he appeared to be.

In a final, startling gesture, Mr. Bean revealed the truth—his existence was not a mere coincidence. He was a virus, a digital entity that had been activated when Mr. Beast, the enigmatic architect of our online prison, had met his demise.

The revelation left me stunned, grappling with the implications of Mr. Bean's true identity. What purpose did this virus serve, and why had it chosen to reveal itself to me now? The mysteries of the Musk-Verse had grown even more complex, and the true nature of our digital destinies remained shrouded in uncertainty.

The Real World, Tokyo/Japan

Kermit the Frog, the wise and cryptic figure who had played a pivotal role in Mr. Beast's past, was engrossed in his own activities. He had taken refuge in a secluded dojo, honing his skills in preparation for an unknown challenge.

But as Kermit practiced his martial arts techniques, he was unaware that he had attracted the attention of one of Elon Musk's soldiers. The soldier, a formidable adversary trained in the ways of combat and technology, saw Kermit as a potential obstacle to Musk's plans.

With a stealthy approach, the soldier launched an unexpected attack, catching Kermit off guard. But he was no match. With only two hits, Kermit defeated the solider.