Chapter 15: Seals & Kangoroos

In the midst of their journey through the surreal digital battlefield, a sudden and shocking event unfolded. Zombie-Michael Jackson, the strange ally of Kermit the Frog, met a tragic and overdramatic end that left the digital realm trembling with surrealism.

In a bizarre twist, a figure appeared on the neon-lit platform—an unexpected and absurd adversary. It was none other than a Killer-Seal, an unlikely creature armed with a shotgun of all things.

With an exaggerated flourish, the Killer-Seal aimed the shotgun at Zombie-Michael Jackson, who stood frozen in a surreal tableau. Time seemed to slow as the shot rang out, the blast echoing through the digital landscape with a sense of finality.

The shotgun blast struck Zombie-Michael Jackson with an absurdly dramatic impact. His digital avatar contorted in a series of exaggerated poses, and his iconic attire fluttered in a slow-motion dance. The force of the shot sent him tumbling backward, his virtual form dissolving into a cascade of pixels.

As he fell, Zombie-Michael Jackson released a protracted and melodramatic scream that echoed through the digital realm. The scream seemed to stretch on endlessly, defying the laws of time and space.

His descent was equally dramatic, as if he were plummeting into an abyss of eternal sorrow. The pixels that composed his digital form dispersed with agonizing slowness, each fragment carrying a sense of tragic weight.

Kermit the Frog watched in stunned silence, his amphibian eyes wide with shock and disbelief. The absurdity of the moment was beyond comprehension, as if the Musk-Verse itself had conspired to create the most dramatic and over-the-top death imaginable.

The Killer-Seal, its absurd mission apparently fulfilled, slipped away into the surreal landscape, leaving Kermit to deal with the surreal aftermath of Zombie-Michael Jackson's demise.

Time resumed its normal flow, but the memory of that overdramatic death lingered in the digital air. Kermit couldn't help but wonder about the significance of this bizarre event and the implications it held for their mission to dismantle the Musk-Verse.

As he stood in the wake of the surreal tragedy, Kermit's determination remained unwavering. He knew that their journey was far from over, and that the mysteries of the online prison still held countless secrets waiting to be uncovered. The fate of all those trapped within the Musk-Verse rested on his shoulders, and he was determined to see their mission through to its conclusion.

Real World, New York/USA, in 1283

On a bustling street in the midst of a medieval city, crowds of people went about their daily lives, their clothing and surroundings reflecting the era. The streets were filled with merchants peddling their wares, children playing games, and the chatter of everyday life.

Yet, in the midst of this historical setting, a phenomenon occurred that would have seemed utterly out of place in any era. A kangaroo—a creature native to far-off lands—had appeared on the cobbled streets of New York.

This kangaroo, however, was not content to simply hop along its way. Instead, it carried a bizarre cargo—buckets filled with scoops of ice cream. With a gleeful and entirely inexplicable intent, it began to hurl scoops of ice cream at unsuspecting pedestrians.

The frozen confections soared through the air, propelled by the kangaroo's powerful legs, and collided with their targets in a bewildering and messy spectacle. People, dressed in medieval attire, found themselves pelted with ice cream, their expressions a mix of shock, confusion, and annoyance.

Scoops of chocolate and vanilla ice cream splattered against cloaks and gowns, causing a sticky and surreal scene to unfold. 

Bystanders reacted with a combination of laughter, bewilderment, and frustration. Some attempted to chase the rogue kangaroo, while others simply stood in disbelief, their historical sensibilities shattered by the absurdity of the moment.

The kangaroo's icy onslaught continued unabated, as if it were on a mission to disrupt the very fabric of history itself. Scoops of ice cream flew in all directions, creating a whimsical and utterly random spectacle that defied any rational explanation.

As the kangaroo's frozen folly persisted, it became a temporary sensation among the medieval citizens of New York. Crowds gathered to witness the absurdity, and laughter filled the air as people dodged and danced to avoid the icy projectiles.

But just as suddenly as it had appeared, the kangaroo executed one final, gravity-defying leap, and with a dramatic flourish, it vanished into thin air, leaving behind a surreal memory etched into the annals of history.

The people of 1283 New York would forever remember the day a kangaroo threw ice cream on their medieval streets, a moment that defied logic and reason, and that had no connection to the challenges faced by those within the Musk-Verse.