Chairwoman Adelaine

Two months passed since the apprentices started crafting their own potions. 

During the past month, Helena, together with her warriors, were going in and out of the Forest of Echoes to continue gathering rare herbs, mushrooms, and ice.

After a month of gathering, they have stockpiled quite a few warehouses full of goodies from inside the forest.

While they were busy gathering ingredients and materials in the Forest of Echoes, Adelaine had been studying her reading materials passionately.

Only stopping to bathe, eat, drink, and rest. She has also gone through at least four examinations from Blanc and today will be her final examination. 

If she could pass, it means she was ready to take on the management role of her own chamber of commerce.

Blanc was now on his way towards her hut.

After a few minutes, someone knocked on Adelaine's door.

*Knock* *Knock*

"Adelaine? Are you there?"

"Big bro! You're finally here!"

After seeing Adelaine's enthusiastic response, Blanc chuckled and said

"Oh? You seem excited to take the final examination? You're this confident huh?"

"Hehehehe I'm talented so it can't be helped. Now, where's my exam?"

"Here, as I said last time, your exam includes everything from all of the books that I gave you. In addition, I added some situational essay type questions."

"The purpose of these kinds of questions is to see how you respond to difficult situations usually faced by merchants. You have an hour and a half, I will stay here as your proctor for this final examination."

Blanc gave Adelaine her exam papers and stayed as a proctor to monitor her while she's answering her exams.

He had to be strict this time since this will decide if he could entrust the management of the Resonance chamber of commerce to Adelaine.

Adelaine briefly scanned the test questionnaire.

After a few moments, she started scribbling her answers.

A variety of emotions were displayed by Adelaine while she was answering the exams.

It looked like some questions were too difficult for her while some were too easy.

Time quickly passed. 

There were only 10 minutes left for Adelaine to finish answering all the questions.

Seems like she didn't need the last ten minutes though as she put down her pen.

Adelaine finished answering all the questions in one hour and twenty minutes.

She handed her exam papers to Blanc and waited for the results.

Blanc sat down and checked her answers. 

Like Adelaine, a variety of emotions was displayed on Blanc's face including that of disappointment and sadness.

Seeing his facial expressions, Adelaine was fidgeting due to the anxiety.

It looks like she might fail this time!

The truth however is, Adelaine already passed with flying colors. Blanc was just messing with her like a big brother teasing his little sister.

After half an hour passed, Adelaine finally couldn't take it and asked

"B..Big bro..Is the result ready? D..did I fail?


Blanc left Adelaine in suspense and slowly looked towards her direction with a disappointed expression.

Seeing his expression, Adelaine's heart dropped.


Her world crumbled upon hearing Blanc's sigh. 

She was sure she failed badly this time!

"Good job! Almost all your answers were correct and you passed with flying colors!"

Blanc suddenly smiled at Adelaine and said.

"I see...I'll try ag– eh? W...What? I passed?"

Blanc chuckled after seeing that his prank was successful.

"Yep! You passed!"

"Y…You!! Big bro! Of all times you could tease me, why now?!!"

"Hahahahahaha you're so confident at the beginning so I couldn't help but tease you, sorry about that."

"Hmmmph! Big bro, you're a meanie!"

"Hahahahaha well, what can I say? Congratulations Chairwoman Adelaine!"

"C...Chairwoman Adelaine…"

"Hnnnnnnghh...YAYYY!! I did it!! I'm the best!!"

After hearing how Blanc addressed her, she felt like she was on cloud nine.

Adelaine quickly forgot about her anger and jumped up and down happily in celebration.

Blanc let her celebrate and just watched her happily.

She deserved this because she worked so hard during the past two months.

"Haaah...Haaah...That was tiring…"

"So, big bro, what's my first business project?"

"Hmmm…Let's see, once the ice containers containing eternal ice are ready, we'll talk about your first business trip. For now, just rest. You've worked hard for the past two months. As your big bro, I'm proud of you."

After hearing Blanc's compliments, Adelaine blushed a little. She wasn't used to being praised like this.

She recovered quickly though as she once again praised herself.

"Well then as advised by sir village chief I, Chairwoman Adelaine, shall rest until my first project is ready."

Blanc chuckled upon hearing her funny antics.

As he was about to leave, little Emma quickly opened Adelaine's door.

"Haaahh...Village chief! Village chief! Haaahh...There are visitors!"


Blanc was stupefied upon hearing that they had "visitors". Which person in their right mind would visit a remote village in the middle of nowhere?

Even though he was surprised, Blanc quickly got himself together and followed little Emma to meet with these "visitors".