Elite Infantry vs Elite Infantry

A thousand elite soldiers were assembled in front of the Terravalleans' camp. Armed with blunt iron weapons, they were ready to fight in another mock war.

Similarly, a thousand Resonance City elites stood across them, also armed with the same set of equipment; however, some of the Resonance City elites were using long spears as weapons.

These one thousand elites were handpicked by Helena and Geraint out of all their elites to represent their nations.

This means that these one thousand elites were the cream of the crop and they were only below the generals and battalion commanders in terms of strength.

The two sides stared daggers at each other, they were both very determined to win this match since the first one ended in a draw.

"Hmmph! Today, you won't be so lucky. My men will teach you the true meaning of the word "elite"!"

Geraint taunted.

Helena's brows furrowed as veins popped on her head again. She didn't know why but there was something mystical about Geraint's voice that pissed her off faster than normal.

"You still have the guts to say that after being humiliated yesterday? I really want to know how to have a face as thick as yours!"


Helena and Geraint stopped after a short round of banter because they still needed to announce the start of the mock war.

Their subordinates were on their way to stop them but fortunately, the two of them seemed to have learned a bit of self-control.

As military leaders, they knew they couldn't always let anger take over their minds.

"Terravalleans! Forward!"

"Glory to Resonance City!"

The mock battle finally began but right at the start of the battle, the fighting styles of the two elite armies differed.

The Terravallean elites were like a sharp spear, aggressively charging forward while the Resonance City elites were adept in defensive formations.

The charge took more time this time since the Resonance City army was just holding their ground. After a few more moments, the two armies finally clashed.


Initially, the Terravalleans were pushing back the Resonance City elites due to the momentum of their charge.

Seeing that his army was winning, Geraint chuckled. However, he didn't make the same mistake of celebrating early this time.

Yesterday was indeed a bit embarrassing so he had to make sure that they would really win first before celebrating.

Still, in his mind, Geraint is already preparing insults to piss off Helena once his army wins.

He didn't know why but he really likes the feeling of pissing this young general off due to how short her fuse was.

However, after a few minutes, Geraint's brows furrowed. His men seem to have encountered difficulties breaking through the Resonance City elites' defenses.

On the other hand, Helena was very relaxed after seeing that the battle turned into a stalemate.

Her heavy infantry is trained for very very long battles. Endurance and regeneration are their strong points so a stalemate is very advantageous for them.

After a few more minutes, the Resonance City army's solid formation started to push back the Terravalleans.

"Shit! Why can't they break through?! Their attack power has decimated many Kairuku elites before so why isn't it working against these guys?!"

Geraint couldn't help but complain.

Unfortunately for him, these Resonance City heavy infantry had specialized training regimens. They didn't have a strong attack power but their bodies were built to last for a long time in combat.

In addition to this, they trained their lower bodies well so they are very hard to push back. This is the reason why the Terravallean elite infantry were having trouble breaking through.

Finally, after an hour of continuous fighting, the Terravallean elites ran out of stamina and the Resonance City elites wiped them out.

A decisive victory for Resonance City!

Geraint was gnashing his teeth in anger while clenching his fists. He saw how hard his men tried but they simply weren't able to break through.

The Resonance City heavy infantry was like an immovable mountain!

He imagined how these guys destroyed the attacking Dumont Dukedom army. In his mind, he thought that the previous war was hard-fought.

However, after seeing how strong Helena's heavy infantry was. The war should've been very easy for them.

Fortunately for him, Helena was in a good mood so she let him off with only an annoying smirk.

"K…Kuuhhh…Smile now, we'll show you why our cavalry is known far and wide across the region!"

This was too much of a blow for him, his elite infantry couldn't even dent their opponent's formation. 

The gap between the elite infantry was very wide so he hoped that his cavalry would get a round back for him.

Helena was very satisfied by the performance of her heavy infantry so she wasn't stingy with the praises this time.

As for the Resonance City heavy infantry, they were very happy after receiving praise from their general. 

They knew that getting compliments out of their general's mouth is a very hard thing to do so she must've been really impressed by how they defeated the Terravallean elite army.

Due to this, Resonance City's elite infantry had happy faces as they slightly celebrated upon returning to their camp.

On the other hand, the Terravallean elites looked dejected. Their battered bodies were supported by their allies as they returned to their camp.

Still, Geraint didn't blame them at all, he knew that they did their best but the other side was just too strong this time.

Fortunately for him, the elite cavalry battle is up next.

"Uninjured soldiers, help the injured back to their tents! Cavalry! Fetch your horses and assemble! We shall avenge this loss in the next round!"