Swordmasters Joins the Battle

Blanc, Helena, and Alexander are currently in the great hall having a brainstorming session about what could the enemy possibly do to adapt to the current situation.

It was clear that Rougenfort Kingdom won the first day of the "Battle of Fort Shadowsong".

However, Blanc isn't a guy who would act complacent after a small win so here they are trying to figure out if there were any holes in their defenses.

"Hmm…I agree with Alexander. I think they would try to destroy the walls instead of trying to break through an adamantite gate…"

Helena said

Blanc also thinks that they would try to destroy the walls instead but the question inside his head is "how"?

After another half an hour of thinking about it without any results, Blanc decided to stop and instead, he simply decided to station Alexander and Helena on the left and right side of the walls while he watched the middle part.

This way, no matter where the enemy breaks through, they would be ready to defend.

"Alright, that's all for tonight. You two should rest, we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow."

Blanc dismissed the two of them before resting inside a small room near the great hall.

As the sun slowly rose, the Samara-Kairuku coalition army got in formation, ready for another day of battle.

Similarly, Rougenfort Kingdom's soldiers were in position, ready to defend Fort Shadowsong with their lives.

Blanc, Helena, and Alexander stood at their designated positions while waiting for the enemy to attack the spot that they were defending.

After a few more minutes, the second day of battle finally began as the Samara-Kairuku coalition army started attacking again.

This time, however, they had fewer losses from the arrows and ballista bolts because three Swordmasters joined the attack.

As the siege towers and ladders were attached, the Samara-Kairuku infantry immediately resumed what they were doing yesterday and as expected, they were still losing.

However, there was something new this time. A Swordmaster at the left side of the wall was carrying a huge metal ball while sprinting towards the foot of the wall.

Blanc's eyes widened as he immediately determined that this metal ball would probably be the thing they would use to break through the walls.

"Archers! Ballistamen! Focus on that Swordmaster carrying a metal ball!"

After hearing Blanc's orders, the archers and ballistamen immediately focus-fired on the Swordmaster. 

Unfortunately, they couldn't even graze him as a squadron of elite shielders capable of even defending against the ballista bolts escorted him.

"Not good! Archers! Ballistamen! Retreat!!!!"

Blanc immediately ordered them to retreat after realizing that they couldn't stop the Swordmaster.

Unfortunately, Blanc was still a little late. The Swordmaster placed the metal ball on the foot of the wall and smashed it with his sword before retreating a few hundred meters away.


The archers and ballista men who weren't able to retreat on time were blown to pieces as the metal ball exploded and destroyed a huge part of the left wall.

After seeing that their operation was a success, the general of the Samara-Kairuku coalition army smiled widely.


He immediately ordered some of the infantry to attack the breach in the wall while the others continued assaulting the top of the walls with the help of ladders and siege towers to apply pressure.

This made it very hard for the soldiers of Rougenfort Kingdom to defend. Fortunately for them, Blanc was still as calm as ever.

Although he hated the fact that he couldn't save some of his men from the walls, he knew that losses are inevitable in a war so he quickly tossed the matter at the back of his head for now and focused on defending the breach in the wall.

"Alexander! Intercept that Swordmaster! I shall fight the Swordmaster heading towards the top of the walls! Helena, intercept the Swordmaster who's trying to attack from the right side of the wall!"

Blanc shouted orders left and right after immediately determining the best way to defend the current situation.

Alexander spotted the Swordmaster he was supposed to fight and so, he immediately charged toward his opponent to stop him from wreaking havoc among their ranks.

"Commander Alexander!"

"Commander Alexander is here! We're saved!"


The swords of the two Swordmasters clashed, however, it seems that they were pretty equal in physique since no one was blown back after the clash.

"BAHAHAHA! You're pretty strong. I didn't expect to find someone like you here!"

"Hmmph! Should I feel honored whenever a greedy bastard praises me?"

"HA! Quite a feral mouth I see, let's see if you can still speak like that after I'm done with you!"


Meanwhile, on top of the central side of the wall, Blanc is also fighting against a general of the Samara-Kairuku coalition army.

This general was a Swordmaster who used a longsword just like him.

Unfortunately for the general, he was disadvantaged in terms of weapons. Blanc's Tideripper allowed him to easily push back this general named Amorro.

Due to this, the morale of the Samara-Kairuku infantry on the central side was slowly dwindling.

Still, their situation was much better compared to those who were on the right side. The unlucky swordmaster who faced Helena was already on the retreat after being defeated in merely ten clashes.