Null Words

"I won't refuse you anymore." Null's words broke the silence.

"You what?" The creator bore a confused expression.

The sudden surrender only caused a buildup of confusion in the mind of the already baffled creator.

"Huh? What are you on about," Null let out a chuckle, "Feel free to use my body as your own, I only ask that you allow my soul to pass on so that I may rejoin my beloved in the afterlife."

HIs once battle crazy self was nowhere to be seen as it was replaced by with a peaceful pacifist.

"You mean the girl. You're going to give up on the fight over that insignificant littl-," before he could even finish his words, the feeling of something crashing into his face shut him up real good.

The one behind the attack was none other than Null, who had generated a terrifying force from two enormous red globes of the violent red energy. His fist was encased in a dense flame so black it seemed white. Or was it so white it was black?

The fist enshrouded by a flickering inverted flame of black and white slammed into the cheek of the creator. 

"Do not mistake my surrender as an act of defeat," Null's low grumble seeped into the ears of the creator despite the distance between them, "I give you the chance to seek your fate because without her, the path I take would lead me astray like it did you."

A glorious reversal of the roles, the creator couldn't help but feel ashamed in the presence of the somber Null. What took him eons to master, Null surpassed in his first fight. 

Truly devastating, especially for the one who witnessed the origins of the power.

"That was my mistake. For that you must accept my most humble apology." The once high and mighty creator now bowed towards the true victor.

"I too was compassionate towards others, but the more pain I endured, the more selfish I became." He began retelling his story, only this time he went into depth about the harsh reality of his time journeying the universe.

He told of the wonders within the different galaxies: of elves and centaurs, orcs and goblins, ogres and kobolds, dragons and unicorns, angels and demons, gods and devils.

The list went on and the tales more so.

All the while, Null just sat and listened in his cross-legged position, head resting on his palm.

"Ahhh. Time is truly the one thing I could not control under any circumstance, like I was forbidden from understanding its true nature. If only I could go back, I really would change it all."

He ended his monologue there feeling nothing but regret.

"Then get it over with already. I've already resigned myself to this fate." 

"Enough with that drivel. I didn't make you so that I could take your body. How foolish do you think I am." The creator in his remorse had finally spilled the beans.

Null's mood dipped the instant the words processed in his brain, and he looked at his predecessor with a face that said, "Then what was the point of all this bullshit."

"Teehee. I just needed to know that you were capable of handling yourself is all. But if you just so happened to fail my test, I wouldn't mind taking this body out for a spin," he revealed with the cuteness of a donkey's ass.

"Get the fuck out of here then you creep. For the love of everything, I was prepared to fucking die just now you know!" Null held nothing back as he sighed in relief. 

He might not know exactly where his path would lead him, but he promised himself he'd hold out until the very last moment before abandoning all hope. 

The warmth inspired him in that moment, but a sense of loss pervaded his entire being so intensely that he craved a bitter end if it meant he could be at peace.

"Don't give me that crap about death. I've seen countless people and creatures alike pass on in countless manners and even almost killed myself to be where I am now. Let me tell you kid, you either find something to care about in life and protect it with your all or you live without a worry in life. Everything else gets pretty boring after a while." 

Apart from his last words, he chided Null for being so shallow in thought.

"But what about after it all, why would I want to waste my life away for nothing," Null questioned his reasoning.

"Because after you die, your soul returns to the Other Side to be evaluated for reincarnation. All of your mortal achievements, so to say, determine the next life your soul will then take place in."

"For example, were I to be judged on my achievements in my life, I could be viewed as the king of a people, a conqueror, a monster, so what life would I end up with? The answer is that due to the collective weight of my sin, I would end up with the consequences of my dastardly doings in the form of a really shitty life."

The man looked at Null with a sad smile on his face.

"It's not so bad of course; your memories are wiped clean as per protocol, so it's not like you can reenact the same choices, but those that keep their noses clean will be born into better opportunities. Like I was."

Null considered his words carefully, "Then after you leave my mind space, you won't be able to-"

"People live and people die kid; it's what you do when you're alive that matters, not how you go. As for me, I made sure to keep my legacy in good hands."

"Then can you tell me more about life outside of this world. If I am to continue on my path, your wisdom would be much appreciated."

"Now I could do that, but where would be the fun in that," he flashed Null a final punchable grin, "Alas, it is now time for me to go. An old man like me must get his rest after keeping up with a punk like you."

His last bit of remaining energy was so pitiful at this point that he couldn't take over Null if he wanted to. So, with that, he walked away into nothingness leaving one last message with Null.

One that would hopefully stoke the flame inside him for the journey that was to come.