Artifact Spirit

When he felt at the water, it rippled around, spreading out beyond the range of Null's vision. 

But Null's finger was stopped an inch before he felt a solid surface.

'What's this?'

It turned out that he was pressing against a rough stone floor; he swept his entire palm across the floor, sending a wave outward.

'Guess I can get out now.' Null thought.

He hopped out of the boat haphazardly, splashing the water; it was a mystical sight to behold as his lone figure stood in between the ground and sky.

'I wonder what's keeping me here. Is there some other trick I have to use?'

Since he had to clear up the heavy mist earlier, he thought it wouldn't hurt to try something with the water.

The only problem was he had no clue how to gather such a frightening amount with the arsenal he had on hand.

'Looks like it's time for something else.'

He put his hand to his chin in thought, 'Greed. Maybe I can start there with the ruler's power in mind. After all, if he could gain something out of it must have a relation to his expertise.'

The greed he had in mind, unlike Barter's Ruler, would deal with gathering.

It was a good thing he had a buddy who just so happened to provide insight on that branch.

A stretch of the arm and Null felt a missing piece of the cosmic structure resonate within him.

His palm released a slimy yellow energy that he shook off into the air.

'Really? Gross.'

As he made a face of disgust, yellow slime splashed into the water and diffused without a trace. 

His palms then lit up the same color as he established a a new connection within him.

When Null moved his hand, a small area of the water sloshed around in response; Null spun his hand around, and so the water whirled around and gathered into the air.

'I take it back. Best ability yet!'

He released more and more of the yellow energy until he had a ginormous swirling mass of water above him.

He had not bothered to take note of the time it took for him to test his hypothesis with the water. After all, he barely ever felt tired with his new body.

Previously, when his predecessor had transformed his form into that of a banana, Null had thought he was playing some kind of sick joke on him.

Null had trouble during this especially hard time due to his rebirth as a new plant species. Was he even still a human anymore?

He had been questioning so many things as of late that but had prioritized his long-term goal to the point that they felt irrelevant.

But that kind of useless thinking did nothing for him. Null never really liked humans all that much.

He much preferred animals; back in his room, he researched them and drew all kinds— from felines to arachnids.

His all-time favorite had to be penguins because of the way they waddled adorably.

'I wonder if there are any penguin-like species out there. Now that I think about it, this is only the first planet I've been to so far.'

It was a weird feeling; all of the stress and worry he had going through the just the past few days made it seem like ages since his time back home.

'How long will it take for this to just be a distant memory?'

The clock was ticking, and Null presumed he was being watched all the while.

'Let's just focus on getting through this illusion, alright?' He thought to himself.

With the water now gathered in one place, Null was now stranded in an empty expanse of ground and sky, nothing else existed beyond him and his boat.

'Time to get rid of it now.' 

As Null prepared the violent red energy, the globe of water began to form a giant face that looked down at him.

With his jaw dropped, Null stared back at the face made of water in shock.

"What is that pretty power of yours?" A childlike voice projected from its sloshing mouth.

In the midst of its question, a great deal of water was spilled all over Null's frozen face.

"Ah... Sorry about that."

'This must be another spirit. No wonder the vase is capable of soothing one's soul.'

"No... problem." Null could tell there was something different about this spirit.

"Can you show me those pretty colors again?" The face asked again.

"These?" Null asked while creating a handful of the yellow energy. 

"Yes! More! Show me more!" The face giggled as it moved in closer.

Null obliged with a showcasing of the red, purple, and lastly the pink petal energies to the jubilee of the infant spirit.

"It's so pretty," the spirit watched as a petal floated around its head.

"More!" It pleaded when the petal finally melted into the ground.

"I'm sorry, but I don't have any more abilities than those."

"You're lying. There are lots more colors than that." 

To prove its accusation, the giant separated a portion of its form before detonating it into a fine mist.

"See! Look at that! Just with this water I can make more colors than that."

"But my powers are different. They aren't just light refracted through water, they're pure energies."

The head looked stumped for a moment, but responded matter-of-factly, "But the color you want depends on your emotions. Just feel something else like you did before with the yellow one."

"What do you mean feel something else."

"Y'know mad makes red, repulsed makes purple, desire makes yellow, so make some more already."

'How did pick up something like that so quickly.' Null was perplexed by the intuition of the spirit.

"Why do you know so much about my power," he questioned.

"I don't know about anything. I can only tell you how it felt when I saw the colors."

'It seems like Benji's father created something outside of his wildest dreams. This thing is perfect to help me figure out my power!'

"Tell me, what exactly are you capable of little spirit? How are you examining my power like that?" 

"Enough talking. I already told you how to do it, so show me more pretty colors!"