
During the events of the tragic massacre of Planet Barter's Wanderer's Market, a simple man was up to some simple thievery as always.

His name?

Who are you, the feds? 

Get out of here with all of those invasive questions!

Now where was I? Ahem-

A simple man was up to some simple thievery as he made excellent use of the massive fear and panic going around.

'What's up with these guys? If only I was as free as them just running around the place and screaming.'

After a quick assessment of the situation outside of prison- I mean wherever the man was before he got out...

Y'know what? Forget you read any of that!

He was just a normal guy doing normal guy things on the same planet as something completely unrelated to him.

And when he walked along the busy streets that were once full of eager buyers and sellers who now wanted nothing more than to escape with their lives, it was like a dream come true.

'I can finally take everything, and nobody's gonna stop me!'

And that's exactly what he did.

And nobody stopped him.

End of story.

Except for the fact that the normal guy was in fact Theef, self-proclaimed best friend of the almighty Null.

As it turned out, he could not keep himself from going to watch the fight.

Yeah, not so surprising considering his latest haul.

But that was for another time; at present, Theef saw the sight he had least wanted to see.

There in the midst of a fierce battle was Null and by the looks of it, he was losing.

Theef wanted to rush in and help out, but he knew deep down the terrors behind the Universal Rules.

It was a user of a particular rule that had erased the vast empire of the Theif race.

So, whenever something of this caliber threatened Theef, he took care of it with the utmost seriousness it deserved.

And when Theef took things seriously, things just went his way; he would not accept anything less than perfection when it came to his plans.

But now, there was no time to think about the specifics of a plan; not to mention, Theef knew nothing about the golden trimmed majesty of the man fighting Null.

After all, when Theef visited Barter it was either for a quick supply run or in a nice cell behind bars.

He had not seen the face of the immortal Barter's Ruler despite the fame of the founder.

'Enough thinking! Null is in danger so I'm going no doubt about it.'

Theef had always lived by a simple way, 'Take what's yours and then take some more'.

He would not allow himself to lose the only unexpected gain in his life that was his best friend Null.

He had already promised to give him everything in return for his kindness.

So, if it was time to truly unleash himself for the sake of his buddy, then so be it.

He would stand proudly as the last Theif and show the world the fruit of his labor— the real reason his race lost their lives at the hands of one powerful individual the likes Barter's Ruler only dreamed of being.

"NULL!!!" He emptied his lungs in an attempt to attract the opponent's focus to himself and sprinted with all his might towards the aggressor.

It was time he made himself known as one of the strongest races in all of history.

'A true thief steals for the sake of others. I will be different than all of them who mocked me. I will make you proud of standing by my side Null.'

One last look at his newest enemy and Theef prepared himself to let loose.

'Even if you end up hating me for it.'

That was when he heard the cry of his friend, "False alarm man!"

And so Theef secretly sighed to himself in relief.

His secret still maintained to this day, a Theif waited in hiding for the day he would take revenge for his entire family.