Mamon's Magic

While our main cast of rowdy spacefarers were en route to Planet Mamon, one of their destination's newest inhabitants was busy immersing himself in his own experiments.

It had taken some getting used to, but after some trial and error, the miracle baby, Klein, was set on a new path of magic and wonders.

'These trails of color are so interesting,' as Klein was seemingly staring off at nothing in particular, he was in fact observing the faint trajectories of the ambient mofei around the room.'

With a little wag of his forefinger, something wonderous occurred.


A slight breeze spread throughout the nursery despite the windows and doors of the building being shut tight. Despite the lackluster effects, if news spread that the one conjuring wind magic was not even a year old there would certainly be an outrage in the village.


Given his innate advantage over his peers in the form of two mofei sensing eyes, Klein practiced his hardest to cause a reaction in the 'trails of color' he saw travelling across the room.

When he had first witnessed the miraculous use of Mamon's own magic, it was actually the care lady who used it to perform some basic tasks around the place.

To her, she was simply lighting some firewood to keep the temperature warm inside.


With a snap of her fingers, a spark was sent into the makeshift fireplace, igniting the wood inside and leaving one curious child in awe.

In his eyes, he could see the red-orange trails of mofei travelling towards the lone girl's figure while the others completely ignored her call. The fire mofei then made its way along her arm until it was concentrated on both fingers used to strike the wood ablaze.

At first, Klein was jealous enough to attempt to reproduce the same kind of effect himself, but after countless failures to draw in the mofei he could visibly follow, he turned to other ways of conjuring magic.

Day after day he would try to forcefully suck in, grab, or swat away at the mofei in any way he could think of just as a way to try his luck.

What he didn't know was that his mei veins would not be fully developed until he matured and naturally absorbed the mofei most suitable for him until he became attuned to it.

This meant that in his current state, he was entirely incapable of harnessing the mofei's properties by himself. Or at least that should have been the case had he not found a roundabout method of doing so that was naturally unheard of.

By utilizing his capability to view the mofei in its most natural state, Klein found that the secrets that lie behind the mystical force could not only be capitalized by the mei veins in the body.

If one took mofei as a means to simply cast out magic in the form of a somewhat physical state, then they would only be considering the visible possibilities of its properties.

However, Klein was knowledgeable about the fact that matter could exist in the three states: as a solid, a liquid, or a gas.

Take water for example.

If an Imeni wanted to cast magic using their water attuned mei veins, they simply had to draw in the necessary mofei and cast say a gush of water, a spear of ice, or even a misty fog within the means of their control.

It might seem easy to any clueless onlooker who witnesses the successful casting, but not just anyone could harness the mofei to do their bidding as they wished. The requirement to succeed in any type of mofei manipulation had to be met in the form of proper conception.

To cast a water ball, you had to properly visualize a concentrated orb of liquid water and gradually converge the accumulated mofei into said orb or else you would end up dispersing all of it into nothing.

The better you are able to focus on what you desire to create down to its core properties, the easier you would find the mofei to manipulate.

Likewise, a poor idea of what you are making would ultimately end up either failing outright or being conjured into a pitiful attempt at what they were going for.

A ball of water could become a puddle on the ground, a spear of ice a flurry of slush, and a veil of mist just a bit of humidity.

Klein was gifted with a greater understanding of a world's more intrinsic properties and so he could generate something others would find impossible to replicate.

'The silvery color is air, the red orange is fire, blue naturally water, and so earth must be the green.' It didn't take much for him to identify the elements and their corresponding colors.

It had turned out that when he sought to manipulate the free flowing mofei by projecting his thoughts onto it, he actually felt something resonate within!

By reinforcing this newfound feeling, he gradually familiarized himself with the gentle air mofei and had finally been able to make it do his bidding— albeit in a very feeble manner.

That was not to say that his feat was not a worthy accomplishment in the least!

For in fact, Klein had stepped onto a path ventured by none before him; the first Imeni external manipulator was born!

None had figured out that it was possible to do such a thing. Even the most capable of the Imeni were only focused on their expertise in fine tuning the complexity of their manipulation be it through their rate of conception or the amount of mofei they could take in to fuel their casting.

Though it wasn't like they could sense the ambient mofei to the degree that Klein could; they could only rely on their innate attunement and training thereon.

This boon would certainly allow him to become one of the most powerful magic users amongst the Imeni and even those around the universe!

But that was for the distant future. There was still one thing still holding back the jubilant baby as the door to the nursery opened.

"Oh Klein! Time for your breakfast little one!" The caretaker grabbed the defiant child in her arms.

'AGGHH FINE! Let's get this over with already!' 

Seriously when would he begin sourcing his nutrition from something that wasn't this woman's teat.