After a While

After a while of spellcasting and grinding for that of-so-sweet affinity, Klein was now two years old and ready to join the classes as an early exception. 

With his past memories guiding him, he had a relatively easy time picking up on the gist of the classes despite not fully understanding the language— known as Mongli.

There wasn't much he could do besides attend whatever classes there were and continue his recent endeavor of heightening his attunement with the different elements.

Over time, his developments compounded into him being capable of not only strengthening his control of the mofei, but his physical state as well.

The air mofei kept his body light and on his toes.

The water mofei kept his body cleansed and his skin supple.

The fire mofei kept his body vigorous and healthy.

The earth mofei kept his body sturdy, his muscles strong.

Now, at his current strength, Klein was no different from a fledgling manipulator in terms of spellpower.

His casting strength had now reached a level where he could more visibly see the effects of the chosen elements; his air blew wilder, water held more depth, fire burned hotter, and earth held firmer.

When he wasn't spending his time aggregating mofei into his mei veins, the only thing Klein liked to do was stare into the forest beyond the fortified gates of the village.

He sat upon the ground right outside his parents' designated house and watched as many things occurred at the gate.

Early in the morning, while some of the more dangerous meibeasts still slept, the hunters would depart for an easier time; once they returned, it was usually around the time classes begun.

After those were through, it was more or less time to do anything he pleased.

Not that it was boring, but Klein had felt an intense desire to explore his surroundings, to the point where every nook and cranny of the village was upturned by him.

From the farm plots to the nasty out houses, nothing was left undiscovered.

'Man, I'm bored.' Klein rested on his bed still wondering about some of the most recent dreams he had.

There was one instance he remembered where he was struck with terror after an earthquake hit his school building.

After that, it was all a blur; the people, the distress, the noise all dimmed into nothingness. And then, "BOOM!"

The entire village rumbled under the unceasing tremor of a thousand steps.

"Everyone defensive positions, NOW!!!"

It seemed like there was no time for boredom now. Klein felt only fear.

Idling by would not suit him well while everyone else was racing towards a specific spot of the village grounds.

Just as he had noticed this, he saw his father sprinting to him; he was thusly brought into the broad width that was his father's chest.

"It's going to be alright son; we've just got to hurry to the bunker, and we'll all be fine."

'Bunker?' Klein had no idea that there was such a contingency in place, 'It must not be the first time something like this has happened.'

As his father raced towards the bunker where the rest of the villagers were, Klein looked in the direction of the oncoming disaster.

The trees were billowing, but not from the wind, rather it was the oncoming "Beast Tide" that would decimate the vulnerable village grounds; the quaking of the ground grew stronger and stronger with each passing second.

Finally, the two had reached the secret bunker his father spoke of where Klein was passed to his mother. 

"Oh, my baby, you don't have to worry about this mess. Once a Beast Tide passed through us before and we're all still here, so don't be scared."

There was confusion on Klein's face as his mother comforted him— it seemed as if her words were aimed towards herself however.

He simply clutched his mother tightly in response and noticed four men along with his father stepping towards the empty patch of land.

"Alright guys! Let's do it now." His father spoke loudly.

"Right!" The others announced.

Together, the strongest earth manipulators of the village joined together to lift a sizeable plot of the ground like a trapdoor.

Once it was fully opened, Meior rushed the villagers inside, "Hurry now, all!"

Starting with the children and their mothers, everyone was promptly led by none other than the caretaker and instructor's flaming palms.

Once inside, the earth manipulators went inside one by one until only Klein's father was left to close the door of the now filled bunker.

"Meira! Raise our boy well!" He yelled and a flash of tension was met in both her and the boy's bodies.

'What does he mean by that," Klein looked up and saw his father's smiling face.

"You've grown to become a fine manipulator Klein. Let the others learn a thing or two from you, alright." And with a wink, the door was shut and sealed.

Someone had to make sure the bunker did not collapse from the tide.

The words seemed to slide off his lips alone as Meior seemed to have spoken directly into Klein's ears. And just what was he winking for?

'Wait. Was that air manipulation? Didn't he just...'

Klein could not believe the implications behind his father's words and actions in such a brief moment.

'He knew this whole time.' Klein understood the hidden meaning behind his father's cryptic message. His eyes weren't a random feature, they were passed down from his father.

'So, my way of manipulation was inherited,' Klein was torn, 'I guess he could see how strong my veins were becoming this whole time and kept it secret. But why?'

There was a flood of mysteries now formed in his mind as to the status of his father. What was apparent however was that he too possessed some special ocular features not unalike Klein's.

'Perhaps his was much more limited seeing as there were no special viewable qualities like my eyes have.' 

"My baby, so it's true." Now it was his mother's turn to be surprised as the message reached her as well.

"I knew from the moment I saw your pretty little eyes you were something special." Meira hugged Klein closely and tried her best to hold back tears.

"Mommy. Will Daddy be okay?" He whimpered.

"You're Daddy's special too Klein. He's the best manipulator out here, and he can use more than one element at that." She spoke softly, but still, tears began streaming down her face.

Klein hugged back tightly.

His father was out there alone, waiting for a Beast Tide to pass right through him.