Manipulation (2)

 He began, "Since the first Imeni learned to manipulate the mofei that exists naturally inside the entirety of Planet Mamon, they had the unique opportunity to reason the difference between how the mofei behaves in its original form and when it is used during casting."

"Their verdict: the more you channel the mofei from its respective belonging, the more it required an understanding of the properties behind whichever mofei being channeled."

Meior cleared his throat, "As of the latest recognition of the City of Meidiora's foremost manipulators, there exists eight major strands of mofei: water, fire, air, earth, nature, light, dark, and— the most obscure of the mofei— mind."

"As far as the usage of each natural mofei, they can be used for a multitude of reasons with a myriad of reactions for each's force of nature."

"Water: The basic mofei able to become a helpful assisting facet when going about a daily life whether it be cooking, cleaning, or other household activity while also being a deadly force when channeled with such a command."

"Fire: The basic mofei able to become a worthwhile practice whether keeping your house warm during the cold months as well as being the go-to mofei to cook up anything with its powerful heat and dish out a fearsome attack to any unfortunate soul."

"Air: The basic mofei able to become a versatile tool used in anyway conceivable by any creative mind. It can be gentle like a flowing breeze or ferocious like a piercing maw."

"Earth: The final basic mofei able to become a sturdy makeup of any building or structure along with a relatively simple way to craft any crude weapon or tool for usages both grand and miniscule."

"Next we move onto one of the most well-known mofei outside of the basics."

"Nature/Plant: A branch of earth mofei dealing with the force of nature itself. It is able to become a tremendously useful tool for the growth of plants and other natural objects such as fungi, but not much has been shown to be possible outside of its bountiful properties."

"After this more uncommon mofei, we arrive at the last three unorthodox mofei. To become able to manipulate them, you must find yourself at one point able to channel two or more mofei not with synchronicity."

"Light: The rare mofei able to become a second light from the celestial might above. Its uses range from artificial light to a ranged weapon the likes of which a naked eye won't see coming. While the light mofei can boost plant growth as well during darker times, it is not that powerful."

"Dark: The rare mofei able to become the antithesis of light mofei. Where there is darkness, the mofei making it up will reveal its secrets, the ability to hide in plain sight. Moreso used during the night for obvious reasons, dark mofei is not as physical as its counterpart."

"That is not to say that anything outside of what is known is impossible my boy; all my life I have never seen someone capable of using multiple mofei at once to conceive something even deadlier than a lone cast."

He hugged Klein tightly with his remaining arm and told his son, "I was not even capable of manipulation at your age much less when I was age appropriate."

Klein could feel the pain in his father's voice as he continued, "When I awoke my dormant eye, the people of the city shunned me to the point where I could not keep living there any longer." 

"I had heard of a rudimentary village outside of city walls, so naturally I came here in search of a new home."

"This village is our home now, but I will not let that jeopardize your future prospects. You must find somewhere to grow your manipulation to unseen heights."

Ending his speech as such, Klein was left with much to digest.

However, he knew one thing for certain, "Father, don't speak a word of me leaving this village again. If anything, I'll make this village into something the likes of which any Imeni would be proud to live in."

He held out his palm and began drawing in the mofei with his external manipulation. But not any single mofei, Klein gathered each of the four basic elements in his hand.

A spectacular scene was shown to his father; Klein wasn't just capable of drawing in the mofei under certain conditions, he had the innate mastery over them.

"I will make sure of it."

Meior gulped, "To be born with such a gift. You could not make me any happier to witness your powers," he said, sighing afterwards.

"Leave it to me! I'll show those beasts who they should be fearful of." 

"Alright then. I must be off now to instruct the others on how to craft better tools from the whole of the materials."

"Ah! But father, you never explained the mind mofei to me. What capabilities does such a thing do?" Klein asked curiosity brimming throughout his questioning.

'So, it seems I should really tell him the truth.' Meior hesitated, but begrudgingly gave a response.

"Mind mofei is a more intrinsic form of mofei. The higher talent you possess, the more becomes capable according to your prospects. One could be capable of influencing the mind of others albeit slightly, or they could tame beasts. It's such a strange form of mofei that no one can say for sure what capabilities one might have when manipulating it."

Klein couldn't believe what he was hearing, 'Mind control exists with such a thing! How crazy is that!'

There was no doubt in his mind, Klein would reach the levels it took to improve upon his manipulation. He could picture it now: a mount to take him places no Imeni has been and a scout to survey the area.

With trusty aids to assist his endeavors, Klein would be able to tend to his own research and advancements.

Because the village was using their manipulation rather than tools for hunting, they were actually behind in terms of capabilities. 

He would help his father expand their forces and build up the village into something rivaling the larger cities of Mamon.

He would start by bringing the tools of his previous life to improve their daily lives.