Out for Beast Pets

Life in the village grew bountifully in the form of better farms, more equipment, and lusher toiletries.

For the bounty of slaughtered meibeasts in the bunker, Klein went back to crafting some useful tools for the villages uses.

Null was also busy with his new ally in the form of a purple eaglet, feeding it some of said corpses.

Theef had all the alcohol he needed, but after a while he grew jealous of the fact that Null was bonding with his pet.

He soon went to visit Klein's father for a discussion, "Of all the different mofei, you had said that one of the usages also deals with the rearing of beasts, correct?"

"That's right. What do you plan on doing," Meior could not help but ask.

"I'm planning on expanding the farm with some new pet rearing faculties."

Meior was excited; his home had many beasts roaming its streets in the forms of mounts and tamed pets as well. To be getting such an improvement would truly make this humble village rival that of his past.

"I am grateful for your contributions to our village, Theef." He thanked Theef and had him be on his way through the new gates.

While he was going away for some new pet beasts, Null was having a time with his new eaglet pet; it was particularly affectionate with him and liked sitting on his shoulder and rubbing his head on Null's cheek.

"Just what are you little buddy? How was that guy able to give you to me even through my mind?"

"Coo!" The eaglet responded.

"Alright, alright," he rubbed the little guy back, "Hmm. I seem to recall something about the mofei that might be useful."

As he was talking, another round of mofei appeared in the vortex, only this time a special wave of energy travelled to his brain and settled neatly.

He then pushed the mofei towards the eaglet while petting it on its head. Immediately, a connection was made with it and a voice could be heard instead of the cooing.

"Null! Null!" It said in place of its 'coos'.

"You know my name? That's adorable!" He petted harder and allowed the long-necked eaglet to brush against his face some more. 

"More! More bodies! More growth!" It screeched.

"You mean like the one you have now? You need more bodies to take over and grow?"

"Scree! More! Yes more!" As it heard his understanding, the eaglet chirped in agreement.

'I think Theef was going out not too long ago. Maybe I could join him,' Null started walking towards the gate.

Meior had been walking back from the gates, so he offered a greeting, "How goes it, Null?" 

"I just established a connection to this little guy, so I'm heading out for the sake of allowing it to grow through it's special means."

A face of shock took over Meior's face as he heard the news, "You mean to say you have successfully tamed one of the four-winged eagle's chicks!"

"Not to mention the fact that you have managed to understand the complex nature of the mind mofei, you also managed to perform a taming ritual that easily," he was at a loss for words, "Such a thing has never been seen before in my life's experiences."

He continued, "Even Theef was out to catch some beasts for us to rear inside our village."

"It's not that big of a deal, trust me. You'd be better off saving your surprise for when Theef comes back from his walk. Wait a minute...," Null froze for a second, "I never juiced him back up with the mofei! How does he expect to catch and managed whatever he manages to find?"

"What do you mean, Null? I was sure by the sheer confidence he had that everything would go smoothly. Is that not the case?"

"Not at all. You see, Theef can't funnel the mofei into his own body because he is without the mei veins you guys possess."

"That cannot be true! Only with mei veins should one be able to even sense the mofei, just ask Klein," His whole world view was shifting the more he interacted with these new characters, "Matter of fact, how are you able to do such a thing!?"

Seeing Klein's father about to lose his mind, Null added, "I've got a special physique that allows me to absorb all energies, particularly down to the purest essence of spirit energy."

"Such a thing. What would that mean in comparison to the mofei?"

"I get that you have much to learn regarding the composition of organic matter, but to put it simply, spirit energy makes up the basis of all things living."

"To us, the mofei is what gives life to all. If what you say is true, then it is no wonder that you have control over it."

"Speaking of which, I am able to infuse spirit energy into other people. Seeing as you have a missing arm, I see no reason as to why I can't help out." 

He then went to the large mud pots full of ale and wine and dipped a finger into both— of course only after washing his hands with water.

'Since I'm missing the blue energy tendrils, I can't directly give out my spirit energy.' 

He then poured out the spirit energy until the pots were concentrated enough to be safely consumed as spirit ale and wine.

"All set. Now the only thing you have to do is drink up and let the spirit energy flow naturally throughout your body. Be sure to let the children know that too much isn't good for you and could lead to them exploding."

"Hahaha. That's a ripe joke! I'll be sure to have someone policing these special victuals."

"I wasn't joking..." Null felt awkward about the situation.

"... Then I'll definitely make sure to protect these things." A slight perspiration appeared on his forehead and back.

"I'll be going now," Null left Meior to his business. Theef was bound to get himself in trouble trying to get the beasts to submit to him.


Over on Theef's side however, he was chewing on some dead beast while in his chimera form.

Slowly, but surely inside of him there were thin veins growing as he mauled the corpse of a meibeast deer.

"Onto the next prey."