To the City of Meidiora

Inside of the bunker, Klein sat in an earthen chair while the three of them each sat on the ground.

"So, we're going to be heading to this city where there are many Imeni manipulators both stronger and plentiful that might find fault with Klein because of what he carries in his blood. Is that it," Theef spoke with such sass that it was filling his every word.

"That's it. Then we can look towards repairing the ship and leaving for the next flame. Hell, we'll even upgrade it so that we can get there faster than before," Null was already on the side of heading to the city.

"I have no problem with such a plan, only I wonder what Klein's feelings are concerning such matters," the pauper directed their attention to the sitting child.

Klein got out of the chair, standing up, "I've no problem regarding the plan either, but what is this about a flame I just heard?"

"Same as how we found you in the first place," Null explained, "We follow a map in my head towards the coordinates of a planet that contains what I now realize might be the color of your soul, a pretty periwinkle."

"My soul? How would you even know such a thing," Klein was bewildered.

"I guess I could show you, but he won't be happy leaving his place," Null said as a tarry substance seeped from within his chest down to his arms until he was holding a small baby.

"This is Void, the source of my powers in a nutshell. He's the reason I can absorb spirit energy and mofei alike. I try to keep an ample amount of spirit energy at all times or he gets upset, and when he does, he can take over looking for any scraps that might be in front of him."

"He means our souls, man. That thing gets hungry for souls," Theef interrupted.

"Anyways, I manage to control his hunger now and that's that. No more colorful souls for this little guy at the moment."

"And what's that supposed to mean," Klein was worried for the people of the village. 

"It just means I got it under control okay. I've got a whole system going where he is essential to my power input, okay? Without this guy, I'm nothing and without me, he'll get hungry and probably hurt himself or others."

"I don't want that happening just as much as you guys." Null finished.

"Alright, we're all good. Let's just follow the steps. Now where are we going to find this Meidiora City," Theef asked.

"Meior said it was just across a river, and we couldn't miss it. The place is enormous compared to this village apparently," Null said.

"Okay, I've seen this river. We just need to head straight out of the village, and we should be well on our way. Agreed?" Theef got the group together.

"No qualms here."

"None here."

"Let's do this. I've been itching to improve my manipulation anyways," Klein sighed, but knew he couldn't stay confined to the village either. He was already more grown in his mental state than it seemed physically.

He only regretted the fact that he could not stay with his family for longer.

He had all the time in the world to improve his manipulation and skills, but time waits for no man when it counts especially.

The choice to leave was the wiser one, but what child would want to remain separated from his parents, his entire village even.

'At least these guys have helped a lot around here. They'll not have to worry about beast tides anymore.'

As unfortunate as it was leaving the village, they were all sent off with one last celebration of spirit ale and wine— the spirit energy somehow making the drink stronger.

And with that, they set off for the City of Meidiora.

An Imeni and human child, the last living Theif, the ruler of a planet, and an Allbeast.

Nothing would get in their way as they travelled across the river and into new grounds rarely trekked by any Imeni due to the more powerful beasts surrounding the area. 

Even the four-winged eagle was naught before a simple energy fused punch from Null. Along the way, they only challenged themselves to live the way of the world and manipulate to get what they wanted.

The Allbeast gained a few forms as well from the newborn beasts they came across. 

As soon as they departed, it felt like only hours before they had already been faced with the large stone walls and watch towers.

They had reached the walled city.

"The front gate is the other way! Hurry in before any meibeasts come running your way!"

They did as the Imeni man said and soon found two armed guards in front of a wooden gate. 

"Welcome travelers! Enjoy your stay!" One of them said and allowed them through a smaller gate large enough for a wagon to enter in.

It was an uncommon sight to see for a lone group of travelers to be met with at the gate; this usually meant that they were powerful enough to travel without fear of being attacked.

"Just look at this place! It's way bigger than the puny village," Theef commented.

"It has deeper roots into history that's for sure, but my golden walls are a few notches more resilient than this puny stone." 

"And my father is more powerful with one arm than these clowns who shunned him to his face."

"Take it easy guys, you know how Theef is, he's just cranky because his ship got wrecked and there's nothing fun happening as of late."

The crew walked the streets of the well-built city and saw many shops selling roasted beasts, sweets, and other foods for the most part. Along the way, they saw more different shops, such as blacksmiths and weaponsmiths.

They had nothing in particular that they had ventured to see, but since Meior asked them to take the opportunity to find a place for Klein to grow.

Null also wished to learn more about the mofei, 'If Theef wasn't such an ass sometimes, maybe he could do better for the team.'

"Let's just find somewhere to rest first. After which, we'll find a school or somewhere to progress our manipulation."

"There's a hotel looking building down there, let's see if they'll let us in."

The group travelled past a crowd of onlookers; there was obviously a lack of extraterrestrial passersby.

"Look at that lavish floating carpet!" They gawked at the travelling method of the pauper. 

"What a big head that pink guy has!"

There were not always the nicest comments given out.