The Real Manipulation

Over the course of the week, the group frequented the Manipulator's Institute and sought out Mr. Yanni's tutoring each time and he welcomed them to.

The two most needing the lessons found themselves growing stronger and more adept at the art of manipulation each day. 

What they learned in the lessons spanned from the basics to dual manipulation and then some. Mr. Yanni was so impressed by the speed of their growth that he held nothing back during his time teaching them.

One of the latter lessons dealt with the elusive light and dark mofei which Mr. Yanni happened to be attuned with. It was rare for even just one of the two appearing in the attunement of an Imeni child, but he was one of the few matched with both!

While Null was capable of manipulation due to the vortex's natural absorption, Klein relied solely on his external and internal manipulation. 

Because he was introduced to the light and dark mofei by way of his manipulation, Null was able to find the proper channels of light and dark mofei.

With this, he helped Klein to begin the painful process of absorbing the mofei through his external manipulation and pushing it into his mei veins so that he too could begin manipulating with them.

The secret of his saturated lungs was to be kept that way as only beasts were capable of having their body parts with mofei powering them. This along with his eyes, Klein was truly becoming more beastlike as he grew.

Theef had also begun finishing the process of attunement, but his body was different from the Imeni in that his mei veins could absorb every kind of mofei thanks to his highly adaptive trait.

He was as natural beast in his own right because of this.

But the more they all grew in strength, the less they needed to listen to the lessons; Mr. Yanni was only useful in teaching his own talents with the mofei along with some other facts he accumulated throughout his years teaching, but a real manipulator's power came from their own understanding of the mofei.

Null was a glitch in the matrix who had the cosmic authority to tap into any system of power and utilize his own emotions and characteristics to manifest what powers there were at hand.

Klein was a prodigy who had the bloodline of the meibeasts and the knowledge of a scientist as his backbone to flourish in the ways of manipulation on an instinctual level.

Theef was a theif, a race of hot-blooded psychopaths whose bodies were their weapons and whose weapons were whatever they could get their hands on; mofei was only one such weapon to be wielded appropriately.

Barter's Ruler mostly remained the same as he had already reached a level of existence that had grown to manipulate laws as their power, but as of late he had no path to further while accompanying his comrades.

 They were a bunch with high potential of course, but actively seeking out the best possible route to the peak was always going to be the main journey they sought after.

Mr. Yanni's teachings were less and less useful for their specific needs and values, so they naturally had to part ways with getting knowledge from others and allow themselves to seek out the manipulation their hearts needed.

Null was all-encompassing in his prospects, so he had to get used to the variegated ways of his nature.

Klein wanted to be able to manipulate finely in order to deal with the more intricate aspects of life, primarily that involving microscopic levels.

Theef had only wanted manipulation as a means to have something else in his pocket for any situation that required it— like when the beer was running low.

And so in the city, they all holed up inside the hotel suite, delving deeper into their personal manipulation. 

Klein in particular looked into the modified equipment made from beast parts. His vision was keener as he trained himself to see the smallest details inside of a particular stream of mofei. 

This way, he could figure out ways to finely manipulate and have major occurrences happen.

A butterfly's wings flapping would cause a hurricane if it had the right causation just like an atom splitting could cause an explosion.

That was Klein's way of manipulation mainly due to his physique causing him to only be able to manipulate small amounts of mofei at a time. As he grew, he would naturally be able to manipulate stronger with the growth of his mei veins.

For now, though he would stick to his precise way of manipulation as it spoke to him.

'I'll only need a breath, droplet, spark, or pebble to kill. This I'll make sure of.'

With his goal in mind, his actions would soon follow to take the measures he would need to gain full understanding of the mofei and his body's capabilities as a beast hybrid.

He focused on transforming his body into a walking mofei-infused manipulating machine.

His lungs were filled with boundless air, his heart would be full of a bursting flame, his kidneys with purified water, and his liver with sturdy earth.

As for the light and dark mofei, they resided in his skin, the hardest to bear as they held together his entire body.

Contrary to standard belief, light and dark were not repellant in nature; dark is born from light, and light cannot exist without dark.

They both coalesced inside his skin and reached a level of balance once fully absorbed inside of him so that nothing seemed off unless he actively chose to reveal his saturated skin.

After he reached that level of saturation, he could feel his body reaching its peak.

'I'm already at my limit in terms of my body's saturation and manipulation strength. If only I could somehow surpass my limits.'

He suddenly thought of Null. The day they met, he saw him transferring mofei into both their bodies and he never asked how that was possible, but maybe he could somehow manage to increase his mei veins accommodation of the mofei so he could cast larger amounts before he matured.

"Hey Null, you got a minute?" Klein found Null in one of the rooms silently meditating.

Null arose in response, "Yeah, what's up?"

"I want you to make me stronger. Can you do it?" Klein asked up front.