Stay or Go

The three stood in awe of the sight.

Klein was now a bit taller and leaner than before, but the real change was his presence.

It was as if he now had the aura of a beast lying in wait to pounce on its prey.

"That's some nifty transformation you got there." Theef was impressed.

Klein ignored him and continued looking at the changes to his body— especially his beast core.

As he sent mofei to the beast core, it passed through seamlessly and was stored for later use. 

As for his saturated body parts, they were all connected to the beast core now; his lungs and other organs were able to draw from the beast core to improve themselves bit by bit.

This saved Klein hours— if not more— on externally manipulating the mofei to saturate himself.

Not mentioning the stronger manipulation and saturation that the core provided, Klein still had his sight that could see the mofei in the air, only he could now choose to see normally.

While this was a positive thing indeed, that did not take away from the fact that he still had poor vision.

Upon realizing this, he promptly decided that when he had the chance, he would take the time to make himself some glasses.

There was literally no need for glasses on this planet.

It was a good thing Klein knew about how to create glass and determine how exactly to craft the lenses to suit his eyesight.

With things settled, the group were now at a standstill: stay at the city or go back to the village.

"Alright now that things are done here, let's set our sights on fixing my ship and getting on with things," Theef of course wanted to leave entirely.

"Just chill out on that matter. We've already found the reason behind the flames on my cosmic chart. The next flames must lead to others that I've come into contact with back from home."

Klein was still left out of the interstellar aspects of the whole Cosmic Authority and the like, so what he heard could only be strewn together with his past circumstances after the World Rebirth.

"You mean to say that the others are in the same situation as me?"

"That's what I'm assuming considering the fact that when we met you, the flame inside of the map was extinguished and you had regained your memories."

Klein pondered, 'True. It was at that moment that everything came back to me, reminding me of our final moments on that planet.'

'Zylo and Muni. Us three were suddenly sprinting away from a fast-travelling ridge that threatened to devour us. I tripped and my glasses fell off while I braced myself for the fall.'

'Before I fell, that brute actually grabbed her hand,' Klein formerly known as Colten was recollecting his final moments.

'To think, the three of us and Mr. Zolial and Ms. Florie died that day and reincarnated,' Klein was stunned.

"This map... it shows you the destination of the others? You're planning to leave?"

The three silently looked to each other and came to the same conclusion.

"To be honest," Null began, "We never really knew what to expect from the obscure flames. Theef and this pauper only followed me out of coincidence."

"Long story, but we're in it together now. Only problem now is how to settle your business here before heading out."

"Settling business," Klein was visibly irked, "This is my life you're talking about! I can't just leave my home and family without taking some time first."

Theef was about to fight back, but the pauper took over, "The kid is right. The only reason we were able to jump ship so easily is because we have no substantial ties."

"My planet can run without me, and you actively seek advancements which can be found following Null. Klein must be allowed time to experience this world before leaving it behind."

The feeling was exactly how Klein felt about the matter.

"He's right Theef. We need to be here for Klein just like you were there for me," Null too took the stance of remaining, "Just like how it was when we were alone."

Theef softened as he looked towards Klein.

He recalled being stranded on Null's home planet, nothing but some beers and a good pal to spend the time.

He had been all alone beforehand.

"Just what am I going to do with the lot of you," he sighed, "It's a good thing I've been perfecting my booze while I've been here."

With mofei, as long as you could manipulate well enough anything was possible.

Once Null got the hang of it like with his emotional energies, he would be more formidable than Theef.

"Now that we're in agreement, let's decide where to go from here."

Klein went first, "I want to stay in the village just a while longer so that I can stay with my people for a bit longer."

Then the pauper said, "While you're busy with family, me and Theef can work on the details with the broken ship. Null, why don't you go with him."

"Sounds like a plan! I need to make it up to your father and mother since we will eventually be leaving."

"Then let's be on our way."


Null and Klein returned to Meita Village and were greeted at the gates.

"My son! It's good that you have returned," Meior and Meira were there to welcome back their only son.

"How was it my sweet. The city must be a wonderful place to practice your manipulation, right?"

"It was fantastic Mommy! We met an instructor there that taught me a lot more than just the basics."

"That's good. That's very good," Meira hugged Klein tightly.

"Let's see what you've got after all that time you were gone, eh son?"

Meior was interested in seeing the results of his city's foremost teachings after being gone for so long.

"I hope you're ready to get beaten Daddy! I've trained more than my manipulation you should know."

"Then let's test it now, come Null, be the witness of the match between us two."

"Haha! Alright then. Don't take him lightly now that even I've done my part to help him out."

Meior paused briefly while understanding what exactly he meant by that.

'So Null is equipped to fight as well. I wonder how he compares to my son.'

Seeing his father look at Null in such a way, Klein could only sigh, "It's no use father. Null is a special case when it comes to power."

"The only reason I am confident to make my place in this world is thanks to his help. You'll know as soon as the battle begins, so let's get to it."

They stood in an empty training ground of the improved village.

"Alright then son. Let's fight!"