Opportunity of a Lifetime

Once he felt the piece of meirite in his palm, Klein concentrated on the warm feeling generating from the contact.

Instantly, the meirite burst into a blinding rainbow hue representing all of the elements fusing and transforming radiantly.

From red to orange, then yellow and green, blue and purple, the meirite was dancing with an array of colors.

Gualin was dumbstruck at the sight of it; he reached out to grab the piece of meirite checking if there was something wrong with it.

'How could this be! There has never been an instance where the meirite has shown off such a display.'

After breaking the contact with Klein's hand, the meirite quickly dimmed back to its dormant state.

It then sensed the mofei inside of Gaulin's hand and shone a chilling light blue.

"You... try again once more." There was nothing that he could come up with, so Gaulin ruled it as an accidental happenstance.

Klein took the meirite once more and the same display occurred like there was an abundant source of mofei in Klein's body.

'A rare talent this must be! I must take him back to the kingdom at all costs. Just what kind of physique could cause this reaction with the meirite?!'

"This must be fate! You have passed and are officially considered for the Kingdom of Linomei's teachings."

Klein did not know what to say.

He had already been taught all of the basics and some more of the advanced aspects of mofei and manipulation in Meidiora.

Mr. Yanni's teachings were already enough to guide Klein on his journey of manipulation, so he was not sure how this Kingdom fared in terms of depth of knowledge. 

He was also torn between the journey with Null and the crew into the far reaches of space. 

He had never thought there would be a confirmation on life outside of home planet besides his past life.

At first, he had to come to terms with being reincarnated into an alien species. 

Now however, he had to choose between his new life on a new planet and a continuation of his past self's grievances.

A burning passion was instilled in his mind, and he was only left with one question: If he left Planet Mamon would he still be able to manipulate?

Null, Theef, and Barter's Ruler all had their own powers that could be used outside of the planet to protect themselves with.

When it was time to leave however, what would he be without a planet full of an energy like mofei?

Would his mei veins be able to process something that was not mofei.

Did mofei exist simultaneously across the far reaches of space?

He would not know unless he was able to leave the planet, but at the same time if he was not able to manipulate what would be the point in leaving?

He was proud of his new life and family.

He could barely even conjure the advanced mofei with all of his experience.

Who was to say that the limit of manipulation was even that if they had no contact with other Imeni.

This kingdom could be the answer to most of his questions regarding the basis of manipulation. He had no doubt that something as grand as a kingdom had knowledge beyond that of these lesser parts.

If he went with Gaulin to the kingdom however, he wondered what the rest of the crew would think about it.

While in his stupor, Null all of a sudden gave him a slap on the back.

"Whatever a member of the crew needs, he gets."

The simple sentence was like a weight lifted off of his back allowing him to stand tall.

His eyes brightened as he was renewed with a sturdy will; now that he had people that backed him and some talent of his own it was up to him to reach new heights.

"I'm willing to join you at the kingdom, however, I must tell you that I cannot stay too long."

Gaulin's countenance was bright at the beginning of the sentence, but as he heard the last part it dropped low.

"What do you mean by this? Despite how highly you regard this place, once you join the ranks of the kingdom it will all vanish as you see the world from a higher standing."

Klein was ticked off at Gaulin's haughty attitude and barked back, "I regard this place highly because not even a King would be able to take it down under my watch."

Gaulin did not like that to say the least, "Under your watch!? I should teach you now before you besmirch his highness like this inside the kingdom walls: the royal family are not to be challenged.

As he finished speaking, he began channeling a chilling mofei into his arms.

A threatening ice lance manifested from nothing and was thrusted towards Klein's face; it nicked his cheek before being pulled back into a resting stance.

"It is but a scratch, but mind you if I hear anymore nonsense about disrespecting the royal family or his highness, I will tear your face apart."

Disregarding his previous eagerness to bring in Klein, Gaulin now threatened him for his actions.

Klein felt his wound and the chilling mofei that were rooted inside of him. If the mofei were not tended to, the wound would most likely not heal for a long time.

But Klein was already awakened, his core was currently gathering fire mofei to dispel the icy wound's power.

As it was directed towards his face, the fire mofei started steaming up the wound and releasing all of the ice's power from within.

Gaulin had thought this would be enough to teach a rural kid a lesson, but he soon felt the ice slowly melting and dissipating into nothingness.

'This kid! He has already awoken his mei veins at such a young age and knows how to manipulate!'

'Such an unprecedented situation I've found myself in. I should have known based on the meirite's response. This must be a hidden gem among dirty rocks.'

"My apologies if I've offended you, but you must realize Klein. Inside the kingdom you are at the mercy of the royal family. If anyone hears and reports any badmouthing about them the culprit would be deemed a criminal and sentenced to time in prison."

"Any worse and you might be killed outright in a public execution by a royal guard such as myself."

It was Klein's turn to mull over the words of the so called 'royal guard'.

If it was this strict at the kingdom with such looming figures like the royal family, there might not be a degree of freedom Klein was used to. 

He considered this in part with the underlying mission to meet with the next flame.

If Klein did not take this offer, would he be forced with more glacial weapons?

'I better not go. I should stop pussyfooting and just act like Null and the others. I have a core now and will soon master the advanced manipulation in a matter of weeks.'

'If I don't learn from my own understanding of manipulation, how would I compare to Theef who could create refined crafts and Barter's Ruler who could manifest such grand creations in less than a day.'

'Even Null seems to have many secretive abilities as he was the one to bestow us each our powers.'

He turned to Null, "I am part of the crew now, so I say we take a quick trip around the world before leaving. Remaining stagnant in a crummy kingdom would only slow me down."

Null smiled, "I agree," then as quickly as the smile sprouted, it withered away the next second, "Attacking someone of the crew before my eyes. Why don't I teach you a lesson you royal snob?"