Journey Around the World (2)

Null was busy allowing the Allbeast time to digest the different beast bodies while Klein studied.

Throughout the entirety of his time in the library, Klein had learned a lot about the ecosystem of the surrounding areas.

Beast types and elemental attunements varied in the area as there was a majority of the three elements aside from fire, which was rarer in this space.

As a result, fire mofei manipulators and meibeasts were less plentiful to study.

The things he found out behind the mofei were nothing short of remarkable.

When he manipulated, he could either draw in the mofei with the attunement he had for it or control it via his external manipulation.

He found out that what he considered to be external manipulation was an extension of normal manipulation only beasts could generate.

What the Imeni did helped their understanding of mofei when it coursed through them; the more they manipulated, the less strenuous it was like working a muscle.

For beasts however, they could sense the mofei better with their bloodline. 

The richer the bloodline, the better they could sense it.

Since Klein had a particular sense for the mofei even since he was born, he concluded that he must have had a pseudo-core somewhere within his body that his Imeni mei veins stemmed from.

This peculiar mixture of bloodline manifested something great within him that only some of the mightiest beasts held.

Even then, with his special vision Klein had an ability most would not be able to manifest if they spent their lives advancing their manipulation.

Although reading could advance his understanding to other heights, Klein had grasped most of what he needed to traverse the lands with.

He soon left the library as quickly as he entered.

'Time to move on I guess,' he sighed.

Advancing his knowledge was one thing, but realizing his gains was another challenge in itself.

He considered leaving, but had to find Null first.

'It's been some time since I've been outside,' he squinted under the glare of the morning sun.

He figured it was not going to be easy finding him inside the confines of the enormous kingdom.

"Sigh," he came up empty on directions, "Better I just find some grub."

With that he headed to find a place to eat at.


While the two were in their own ways journeying the kingdom, Barter's Ruler and Theef had their own bonding time with the destroyed ship.

"Hey Goldie! This part needs a fixing!"

They had gathered most of what was left of the ship together and were in the process of fusing it back into a whole.

With no major worries regarding living space and victuals, the duo was making good progress considering the damages.

"Give me a second. This part needs some careful consideration," the pauper otherwise known as Barter's Ruler spoke his piece.

They had gotten fairly close on the ship ride to Planet Mamon from the previous Planet Barter but were mostly tied to Null as it stood.

"Gimme a break! My precious baby is still in pain from the crash. Can't you hear her cries!" Theef could not take it any longer.

"Oh, quit your whining you coot." 

While Theef only had his miniscule manipulation at hand, the pauper was furiously melding the ship together with a dope golden accent.

"Tch! I need me some more juice," Theef spat jealously. 

He could manipulate with his current meiveins, however the proficiency they held was not as great as Null's pool of mofei or Klein's beast core.

It would only take some more digesting of mei beasts, but Theef was tired of the feeling left out in terms of power level.

The parts he contributed to the ship's rebuilding was negligible compared to Barter's Ruler.

'It wasn't as if he started off that way,' Theef told himself.

Null's bouts of power bestowal whether it be mofei or spirit energy made a whole lot of a difference with their effects on both Barter's Ruler and Klein.

Theef was gradually becoming less confident in his claim of status as the first to have met Null, but it was not his fault he had to be compared to the two other freaks of nature.

Barter's Ruler was already a prominent figure in the scope of the standards of power as an Immortal level being and only grew further becoming his current Transcendent self.

'All of these showoffs and their impressive talents. I can only drag my pitiful self up to their levels.'

"Argh! This is pissing me off! Why did my precious ship have to suffer from my own weakness."

Theef kicked a random piece of the wreckage in anger.

It was the pauper's time to take into consideration the reason behind Theef's outbursts. 

'Coming so far just for the sake of a friend to overshadow his own merits. It's no wonder he wants to quickly leave this place,' he mused.

'However, history will only repeat itself after we find more of Null's long-lost companions on the journey ahead. I need to step up to his level for Theef's sake.'

"C'mon you whiny punk! Let me show you something!"

Barter's Ruler put his all into manipulating a sleek hull that replaced and repaired a huge portion of the ship.

He added on some designs and cool looking shapes and ridges that improved the overall look of the ship.

"Hah," he gasped, "How do you like that?"

Theef admired the work done to his ship; the only extra work needed to be done was on the inside where they would have to redo all of the cabins and other areas. 

"Haha! Not bad man. Not bad at all!"

Theef ran his hand down the ship, marking it with his own designs using his personalized manipulation.

The previous gold hull was layered with intricate patterns just like before it was destroyed.

He did not even have to weld the golden parts of the ship to the old parts either; Barter's Ruler really came through on this part.

"Now we just have to work on the inside while those two kids finish with whatever they left us for."

"Truly, we have all the time we need. Those two seemed hell bent on mastering their crafts I'm not sure they'll be back any time soon."

"Yup. It's just you and I Goldie."

"Wouldn't wish it any other way Pinkie."