With the beast cores in hand, Null went through a process that Ego had provided him with for Klein's benefit.
Having a total of six beast cores, he figured the math was a bit off with the process Ego had delved into but what did he care.
After being connected with the Cosmic Structure, Ego had become a living entity that had no other task at hand other than studying its functions.
At first, they had taken over the mystic emotion-based energies that Null had come to use when he first started his journey.
However, for some reason with their influence, Null was cut off from the structure and was reduced to using his cultivation and then mofei after reaching Mamon.
With spirit energy as his core power and the structure being the backbone of his creations, the lack of the latter made the former redundant.
Since the majority of the spirit energy's features were cut off when Ego took control of the structure, it was a wonder of what exactly they were doing with it.
'Whatever.' Null relinquished all thought regarding the cosmic structure since he lost control of it long ago.
He instead focused on the current matter prompted by Ego's assistance.
With the cores in hand, Null let Void partially spread out onto his hands and compacted them with both hands and a release of the majority of his spirit energy.
With Void on the outside of Null's body, he had to make use of what was stored inside without being able to draw in more.
Instantaneously, the cores were broken down and fused together with the mashing of Null's blackened hands.
The power of the cores combined with the purity of the spiritual energy caused an implosion of force onto the cores and turned them into a crystallized bits.
Once this was done, the mofei from each core fused together and merged with the spirit energy to coalesce into a radiant mass.
'What a beautiful sight.'
All of the crew had the same thought.
"Alright. Come here Klein to receive this substance."
Klein came at Null's beckoning and awkwardly stood at his side.
With the oozing hands Null had, he placed them onto Kleins chest area above where his beast core lied.
Klein shivered upon the nasty feeling sensation, 'Ugh.'
Soon after however, he was hit with the power of the radiant slurry of the core's fusion.
Under the unseen pressure of the mofeical concoction, Klein underwent yet another transformation, this time to his core— his beast core that is.
Exactly at that time, Kleins hair grew, and his nails fell off replaced by new, longer claw-like ones.
His organs with their charged properties were sturdier in their foundation so that they could absorb more mofei.
To top it all off, his core had condensed with the addition of the pure mofei energy mixture and began to produce its own mofei albeit in minute amounts.
For Klein however, this was a miraculous boon!
He could now generate his own mofei and store it properly inside his body to be used however he wished.
"This is awesome!" He yelled in joy.
"So pretty boy says," Theef chimed in.
Null cracked up after witnessing the changes to Klein's body.
His figure was feminine and due to the growth of his hair, Klein truly did appear to become more and more feminine.
Ultimately, the true kicker lied in his eyes that seemed to sparkle like gems.
Klein manipulated some water to use as a mirror and saw the changes to his face.
'I'm so good looking! That stuff did more than just transform my core.'
"You're one to talk big head." He chided back.
"Big head for a bigger brain. I don't see the problem there."
"Yeah, he's already bald," Barter's Ruler joined in on the fun, "I don't see how his giant head is any problem."
"Haha! Yeah, you're right. If anything, I wouldn't bother hearing the opinions of any men on my looks."
"Tch! My head is perfectly normal! What happened with you anyways? Why the physique change," Theef redirected the conversation.
Taking the time to observe the changes throughout his body, Klein responded with his hand raised, "I'm able to make my own mofei."
A wave of elements swirled in his hands.
Unlike before, the transitions between each element were more similar to when Theef gave off the display when they first met.
He was greatly attuned to each element and how they interacted with each other to both generate new elements and dispel themselves with force.
Theef's display of power still left something to desire from Klein's own, but he was slowly getting better as time went by.
"Looks like this time was no less beneficial than before. Congrats Klein."
"Congratulations." "'Grats man."
The crew was back together.
"So, where to next? I know you mentioned two flames were present in the next location, right," Theef questioned.
"This time, it seems that two of my old companions— if you could even call them that— were reborn on the same planet."
"Once again, this is a new planet undiscovered by any known civilizations. Maybe we're in for another treat like with this mofei," Theef wondered aloud.
"I for one would like to witness another spectacle like that as well," Barter's Ruler included.
"Let's just hope we can easily find the two like we did with Klein, "Null said, "Who knows if they even recall their past lives like he does."
The ship was already on course to its next destination; with the upgrades to the ship and Null's spirit energy to fuel the specially made engine, they were going to reach the next planet much faster than before.
Speaking of specially made engine, Theef had not only rebuilt the ship with Barter's Ruler, but he had also made it so that the streamline form of the ship ran on pure spirit energy.
Since they had ran out of spirit stones from Null's home planet, this was the only way they would be able to travel interstellar.
The entirety of the trip would only be a few days at most, so there was no worry about anything food related or the like.
They took the time to whoosah and prepare for the experience they were going to face.