Sejin's POV
It wasn't me.
The lingering emotion of resentment inside this vessel had fuel my own negative emotions thus rejecting the advances of my brother.
However, could you blame me? Or the original Sejin?
After years of no rescue, no one to guide him, the moon abandoning his child upon seeing his worthless state. The disappointed moon had gone far away seeing as their children succumb to a path of no return.
Which almost happened to the original Sejin.
In my last world, many were angered of Sejin's stupidity, he was only 8 when he can manipulate the shape of Ice, 9 when he can already summon the spirits of cold and, he was 10 when he was already strong enough to kill the blacks.
Ironic, isn't it?
A child of Ice, strong, mighty and powerful was kidnapped?
Even then, the children of the Ice god could have fought their executors however they chose to go and die.
Why is that? It was a question that even I couldn't answer given that I have past knowledge about this game.
"It's no game."
I glanced beside me, Levi sat with grace on the carriage seat in front of me. He wore a pretty lilac bow around his neck, his fur was combed thoroughly presenting him more gentle and behave.
I coughed a silent giggle at my thoughts.
His beastly brows furrowing in displeasure. I sent him a nonchalant wave and gesture to my window which he leaned to.
"I want an honest answer: why do Ice Holders let themselves be taken away?"
Levi's furrowed brows deepen at my curiousity, it seems like he did not expect me to notice such a plothole. He was silent for a few minutes, still looking outside rather than glancing at me.
What could be so important for him to hide such ridiculous answer?
It was a simple question yet he makes a big deal out of it.
"Why do you think gods choose their holders?"
Seeing as he won't share an insight with me, I let out a regreful sigh then he suddenly asked me in return,
"Because they are capable of handling their elements..."
I replied with a questionable tone, confusion laced in my voice but he didn't point it out rather he turned to him. Levi's eyes weren't playful or teasing as it usually was,
His eyes were a deeper shade of gold than usual and now there seem to be stars hiding in there. His soft mane swayed more gently and slow exuding a ineffable feeling sending an electric reaction down Sejin's spine.
Goosebumps as they call it.
And I wasn't able to get a reply or an answer from him.
I sighed for who knows how many time I had been doing it for the past hour. After Levi looked at me like that, he ignored my existence and jumped off the carriage upon stopping at the gates of the Academy.
Surely, there's more to the game than it lets on and I hope that it doesn't catch up to me.
Not noticing it, I accidentally bumped with someone, her surprise squeal coming after and I had to balance myself before I fall like her.
Brownish eyes clashed with my deep olive pair,
I winced at her pitch, she sounds like someone with a nail scraping a glass of something and when I tell you it was not pleasant for the ears,
Trust me. It wasn't.
I skillfully took a sachet of sanitizer and a new pair of gloves and also coat. I poured the contents of the sachet on the skin where she had touched.
Carefully took my blazer off and tossed it in the trash beside me and wore a new one before turning to her gaping figure- fully.
"It's fine. It is also a mistake on my part, there is no need to blame yourself for."
Then her eyes gleamed which brightened the sun behind her even more; a living sun glaring at me, more like.
"I'm new here.. So I was kind of lost.. And I didn't see where I was going so I kind of bumped into you! I'm so sorry!!!"
She's gonna be popular, I just know. Her bright orangish yellow— dandelion — locks of a rare shade of color here in Varlette, she seems to be of foreign origin.
And many would find it fascinating to see her hair color.
"I said it's fine.."
"No! It's not! At least let me show you my sincere apology..!"
I sighed,
My morning has been ruined all over again and again.
Could it be worse?
"Mi Amor!!"
oh, so it could be.
I spoke too soon. My headache ran to us with a goofy smile on his face, his bright green eyes drank my whole figure then to the young woman sitting on her butt.
A situation finally occurred in his wonderful brain.
"The hallway was big and wide enough for 10 students yet you accidentally bumped to each other.."
Damn, he's good, no? He should be the next Sherlock..
Akira copied the young woman in a mocking way,
"Y-you.. Y-you.. what?"
This 17 grown ass teen was the top 1 of the meanest in the game, he wasn't fond of women overall, his mother eloped with a man and came back to dump their brother, Dawn, to them.
He had resented his mother since they were young, it was like nature to him to hate every living embodiment of his mother.
And this teenager girl in front of us is exactly acting like his mother, she's like a perfect carbon copy of their mother.
"Disgusting featherless bird. Begone, I say before I send you out of this academy myself."
His voice laced with annoyance and brows twisted in a displeased position. Akira shooed the young woman away which scared her into running away from us.
"Fixed problem!"
He smiled then interlocked our hands, dragging me to our designated class. And he began to blabber about my absence which he quote 'I missed you, you know! There's no interesting doll around here'
Ignoring his presence, my mind went back to before. The young woman with a bright dandelion hair ignite a stroke feeling in me.
Her timid and innocent appearance would have fooled others.
However, as an Ice holder, a beloved child of the Moon.
I see beyond of the living.
And her body carried no soul.
The topic of Sejin's thought skipped around the halls with a strange glee, her eyes shining with jealousy and madness.
Her broken automated system called for her attention.
"Warning. You have stayed in this world long enough, please be advised to jump to another tunnel of—"
A technical 'ding' sound interrupted the system; the young woman's aura was distorted, her existence glitching and a hysterical laugh echoed in the empty halls.
"Another one."