It was supposed to be a normal weekend, just watching the flowerbeds and the spirits running around the garden. But god does not seem to understand the level of normalcy that Sejin wished to have, he should have been more specific towards that 'normal' day. Sejin sat on his bed with an unreadable expression. Annoyance evident on his face but his visitors seem to not notice it, or they just decided on ignoring his expression, regardless, Sejin followed their movements as they looked around his chamber with curiosity and idiocy- he rolls his eyes with a tired sigh as he rubs his face.
I'll freeze this motherfu- to death, I swear.
He took a deep breath and stood from his bed and with a wave of his hand, the two rascals touching his things were frozen in place- and they don't seem to be bothered by this.
"Akira and Jane-"
The two looked asinine as they stood still like docile dogs.
"What are you doing here?"
It was too late; he shouldn't have asked that.